Monday, July 31, 2017

Fun Fiction Friday - July 28, 2017

Fun Fiction Friday
July 28th, 2017

Welcome back to Fun Fiction Friday.

In my Fun Fiction Friday I share the books the older girls and I are reading, and a short review of a Young Adult or Juvenile book I have finished, if applicable. I will also ask the girls to tell me something they would like to share about the book they are currently reading. As I am also reading books for adults, I have started my book blog up again. A couple of weeks ago I shared my Friday Finds, Book Beginnings on Friday, and The Friday 56 in my Friday Fun post. I will also be sharing my reviews of any adult books over there. If I do, I will share links to those reviews in my Fun Fiction Friday post. 

I am currently reading two books. I finished the one from last week, The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell by Chris Colfer. I decided I needed to put the other three aside for a bit because I have two books that need to be returned to the library pronto. 

The Castle in the Mist is another book I found on display in the library. It is a juvenile fiction book written by Amy Ephron, her first book for young people. In this story Tess and Max are sent to their aunt's English countryside village. There isn't a lot to do until Tess finds a key that unlocks a magical gate into a different land. I haven't started the book yet, but it sounded intriguing.

Unhooked by Lisa Maxwell is a book that I had out earlier in the year. This book is a young adult book. I had started it and was really enjoying it, but I had to return it, and didn't have a chance to take it back out until recently. This is another story of a magical realm, but this is one that has been heard of: Neverland. However, it is not the same Neverland that we know from the stories and movies. The main character, Gwen finds herself and her new friend Olivia kidnapped and taken to this strange Neverland. It isn't clear whether Pan or Hook are the villain. It isn't clear who Gwen can trust, if anyone. But she must do something to save Neverland, to find her way home, before she loses her memories of where she comes from.

I will have to share my book review of The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell next week as I just ran out of time. 

Amelia finished Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and has started The Prisoner of Azkaban. She is also reading a chapter book for Australia called Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures: The Australian Boomerang Bonanza

Tabitha finished the book I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, the American Girl History Mystery: Danger at the Wild West Show by Alison Hart. And she also finished another History Mystery titled Betrayal at Cross Creek by Kathleen Ernst. She zinged through her Australia chapter book: The Magic School Bus Expedition Down Under by Rebecca Carmi. And she loves the Rainbow Magic fairy books by Daisy Meadows. She zinged through Cassidy the Costume Fairy, Anya the Cuddly Creatures Fairy, Lizzie the Sweet Treats Fairy, Maddie the Fun and Games Fairy, Elisa the Royal Adventure Fairy, Eva the Enchanted Ball Fairy, and Hope the Happiness Fairy. Yes, she likes to read! Sure helps with earning dollars at Summer Reading Program. 

As I am so late in posting this "Friday" post, I will not worry about the girls sharing anything. I hope to get on a better schedule so I can actually share these posts on Friday. Because "Fun Fiction Friday" really does have a nice ring to it. Don't you think?

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