Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Wordless Wednesday: June 8, 2016 (w/linky) - It's a Miscellaneous Sort of Week

Noticed we had a patch of flowers on the edge of our front lawn.

Noticed there were flying things on said flowers.

A honey bee. Probably one of the ones that lives in our walls (for now).

Um, not a honey bee. What are you? Go away!

Honey bees are sort of cute.

Teeter totter time.

Or maybe time to climb in a tree.

He made this all by himself. Yes, I am so impressed by his writing. He did this all by himself.

And wanted to share his drawing and cutting skills again.

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.

Tots and Me


  1. There are some very nice flower images here. The yellow and white is so clean and refreshing.

  2. Nice photos my favourite was the tree pose ..brilliant heheh!

  3. Love the flowers. Great shots of the kids too. :)

  4. Your kids are really growing and I love their drawings!

  5. I love this time of the year.... your patch of flowers are so beautiful.I really like how your son wants to cut out his drawings.

  6. I love daisies and bees! We are enjoying the outdoors more lately with the fine weather.


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