Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Wordless Wednesday: June 22, 2016 (w/linky) - Happy Birthday Amelia!

We had to celebrate Amelia's birthday a couple of days early because daddy had to work on her birthday. So, we had the grandparents down for a visit, let her pick what we were having for dinner, had a birthday cake, and had her open gifts on June 16th. The other children even performed a "ballet" for her (and the parents and grandparents of course). Then the whole town came by to celebrate her birthday on the 18th. Well, not really. It was Genesee Community Days and she got to participate in the Kid and Pet Parade, win 2nd place for American hero, sing with a friend from church, and watch the grand parade. This was after having her special traditional birthday breakfast.

Any Lord of the Rings fans out there?
"My precious!"

The children made their own costumes. Harold is a Revolutionary War soldier (see his cannon?), Amelia is a dentist, Hannah is a cop, and Tabitha was also a cop.

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.

Tots and Me


  1. What a great day she had celebrating her birthday. I love that cake. She now has great memories about her 8th birthday.

  2. Happy Birthday! I hope she had a wonderful day.

  3. Happy birthday to her! Looks like she had some great celebrations!

  4. That sounds like quite a day! Are those pancakes and bananas shaped like a "B" for "birthday", lol. Strawberries and chocolate, a girl after my own heart. Happy Birthday and congrats on winning the silver for American Hero. Thank you to whoever came up with the kids being cops, they don't get enough appreciation.

  5. Happy Birthday Amelia! Looks like a lovely celebration =)

  6. That's so fun that they happened to have the parade on the same day you were celebrating her birthday. :) How cool! Happy Birthday to her! Here's a goofy song for her:


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