Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Wordless Wednesday: April 20, 2016 (w/linky) - Someone's Got New Glasses

Well, it appears Tabitha needed glasses and really was having trouble seeing when she was doing her schoolwork. Go figure.

Here she is trying her glasses on...

Oh, and I got new glasses too. It's only been over 10 years.

Then we went for a walk while daddy and Hannah had their exam. 
They found a lovely place to jump from.

Tabitha called this Cannonball...

I just love when they hold hands. I think it is so cute.

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.

Tots and Me


  1. I enjoyed the cute photos, her glasses suit her and so does yours I hope you get on with them ok :-)

  2. I love the new glasses for both of you! Cute photos, love sibling love!
    Have a great week!

  3. You both look great in your new glasses! Michael got glasses 2 years ago. We had no idea he needed them, and found out when we brought him in for a regular check-up. What a difference the glasses made for him! I hope your girl enjoys hers, and her new-found vision :)

  4. Glasses are important. You would be surprised a number of kids I have taught that have needed glasses and their parents don't get them and they fall behind and flunk out.

  5. She looks great with glasses. My oldest would be jealous. He wants a pair. I said, "No you don't. They get dirty a lot, and you have to take very good care of them." HA

  6. It's so nice when siblings get along. Even nicer to see them holding hands. :) Her new glasses look great!

    Sarah @ Anxious Canadian Mom

  7. Beautiful glasses and beautiful dresses! Those new glasses will really brighten her world, and yours, too.


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