Thursday, December 17, 2015

12 Days of Picture Books Blog Tour Day 12 - The Day the Crayons Came Home {A Review}

Welcome to my sixth and final review post in the Penguin Young Readers 12 Days of Picture Books Blog Tour. I am thrilled to be participating in this event during this holiday season. What better gift to bestow upon your child(ren) than a book (or many books) to instill the love of reading. Not only have I be sharing reviews of some great children's books (6 to be exact for this blog tour), but you will have the opportunity to go over to the Penguin Young Readers Facebook page to enter to win some awesome books for your kids.

I invite you to stop by my intro post to see the list of the books that are a part of this great celebration.
Today I would like to share my review for The Day the Crayons Came Home by Drew Daywalt.

This book is a followup to the book The Day the Crayons Quit. I have not read this first book, but I will say, you don't have to read it to be able to enjoy this new book. The story is told in the form of postcards that are sent to the young boy named Duncan from his crayons. Each of the crayons that write have their own predicament and personality. They each have a different reason for contacting him. 

On each double page spread there is a post card on one side and a picture of the crayon in its surroundings on the other. Each crayon has written the postcard itself, as you can tell by the color of the writing. Maroon crayon was stranded on the couch, was sat on, and broken in half. Pea Green, who changed his name to Esteban the Magnificent, wanted to run away, but later in the book was ready to come home (after a very short excursion). Neon Red states she is walking back from the hotel pool where she was left 8 months prior. Poor Yellow and Orange were left outside to melt together in the hot sun. And look at what happened to Turquoise Crayon!

Well, you get the idea. I would hate to give away all the fun. The crayons were in all sorts of predicaments and wanted Duncan to come and get them. They each described their stories on their postcard. You can see the details of these events in the crayon illustrations. There is even one page with glow-in-the-dark drawings as glow-in-the-dark crayon was left in the basement. In the end Duncan saved them and built them a wonderful new home. 

I love how the crayons have been made characters in this story. They each have a different personality and story. The illustrations are really cute and show the feelings of the crayons. The fact that they are drawn in crayon is just perfect. I also enjoyed the way the crayons and other characters are "talking" in the illustrations. It is a very cute story and one the children and I both love. Now, if our crayons would just write to us to tell us where they have been stranded!!

Don't miss your chance to win 1 of 12 copies of  The Day the Crayons Came Home. Just head on over to the Penguin Kids Facebook Page.

Though I won't be posting a review every day of this blog tour, I hope you will remember to head over to their Facebook page to enter to win the books that you are interested in. Be sure to check out my reviews for:
Also, be sure to check out the Penguin Young Readers Holiday Gift guide where you can build and share your own wish list from a huge assortment of kids’ books for all age groups.

Here are the participating blogs!

Sleeping Should Be Easy

House of Burke
Homegrown Friends
Growing Up Madison
Crafty Moms Share
Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers
Inspiration Laboratories
Clarks Condensed
Book Rock Betty
Kid Lit Frenzy
Bored Mommy
The Delightful Life
Reads and Recipes
Omazing Kids
KidsCreative Chaos
The Chirping Moms
Hello Happy
Spark and Pook
Fun Handprint Art
Mama Smiles
Imagination Soup
Tots and Me
Design of the Picture Book
Gravity Bread
Creative Family Fun
Future Flying Saucers
Mrs. Karle's Sight and Sound Reading
Coquette Maman
Growing Book by Book
A Little Bit of Everything
Happily Ever Mom
Little Earthling
The Little Tourist

Disclosure: I received a hardcover copy of The Book With No Pictures by B.J. Novak in exchange for my honest review as a part of this blog tour. No further compensation was given. This did not in any way influence my review. I only recommend products I use personally and feel will be a good products for my readers.

1 comment:

  1. Great review. We enjoyed The Day the Crayons Quit! You are the winner of one of the Secret Village coloring books! Send me your mailing address at so I can mail them today! Congratulations.


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