Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wordless Wednesday: September 30, 2015 (w/linky)- Fall Leaf Fun 2015

I know I promised that I would be sharing more pictures from the Corning Museum of Glass this week. However, after the fun we had at the park the other day, I decided to postpone that until next week. I had to share our Fall Leaf Fun. 

Buried in Leafs!

Leaf Pile Fun!

First they had to build their ultimate leaf pile.

Then it was time to jump in!

Throwing the Leaves Up in the Air!
(Because you know, it's fun to mess up the leave pile you just made.)

Um, don't you even think about it guys!!!

Okay, fine you thought about it. 

Someone thinks it is hysterically funny to throw leaves at mommy.

At least they got daddy a little too.

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.

Tots and Me


  1. So adorable! Looks like you all had a blast!

  2. Looks like they had loads of fun heheh! there was lots of leaves :-)

  3. I'm so happy you stopped by! Thank you so much. Just look at them spending some family quality time together having tons of fun! Love it!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  4. Okay let's try this again! Hmmm I typed one already and POOF! Anyway as I was saying thank you so much for stopping by. Love it that you shared some family quality time with us. It looks like tons of fun!

  5. Wow! Look at all those leaves! Such pretty colours.

  6. What fun! With all this rain, I'm not sure if the leaves will ever dry here.

  7. What fun! I loved playing iin the leaves when I was a kid. Have a great week.


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