Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wordless Wednesday: September 23, 2015 (w/linky)- Corning Museum of Glass Field Trip Part 1

We had a great time on our field trip to the Corning Museum of Glass in Corning NY, with some of the families in our homeschool co-op. I am going to share some of the pictures this week, and some next week, seeing as my computer or Blogger (whichever) is not letting me load any more pictures.

Part 1

After we saw a Glass Breaking demonstration, we stopped by the hands-on Innovations section. We got to see ourselves flip from upside down to right side up, and HUGE.

Then we checked out some contemporary artwork.

We then got to see a glass blowing demonstration. They made a lovely vase.

There were multiple screens hanging from the ceiling. While the ladies were working on the vase, it was showing them working, for those who couldn't see as well. And it was also showing the inside where the vase was being heated.

This is the last picture I got of the vase because they had to quickly move it to the cooling chamber.

When we entered the demonstration, we were each given a ticket. We didn't realize there would be a drawing at the end for a prize. Little Harold's ticket was drawn and he won a vase. Of course, it is for the entire family, because what is a 3 year old going to do with a vase besides break it?

Here's the vase:

Next week I will be sharing some more of the contemporary works of art that caught my eye, plus some of the really cool glass pieces throughout history.

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.

Tots and Me


  1. oh this would be such a cool place to visit! and too watch the glasssblowing?!
    Congrats on the vase, it's gorgeous!

  2. I actually know someone who does that and I've been to his studio and watched him. It's fascinating isn't it? Such a great field trip!

  3. We keep meaning to stop at the Corning museum when we're in the area - someday we will actually do it! Loved your pictures!

  4. What a super cool trip. I want to go.

  5. Great pictures! Looks like you had a lot of fun.

  6. Glass blowing is such an incredible art - this must have been a great experience!
    Also - love the vase you won :)

  7. That sounds like an extremely interesting and fun field trip. I like that glass rabbit! Thanks for linking up at Life at Rossmont.


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