Friday, April 10, 2015

Real Life Homeschool: What Do the Children Have to Say

Real Life Homeschool Blog Hop
Welcome to Day 4 and 5 of the Real Life Homeschool Blog Hop with the Schoolhouse Review Crew!  The plan was to share interviews with the children yesterday and today. However, yesterday we had unexpected company, so I didn't get a chance to post before leaving for Chuck E. Cheese. 

I asked some other homeschool moms what they thought would be some fun questions to ask the children. I had a wonderful response and wasn't able to use all of the questions. Here is what the children had to say. I had to include Hannah and Harold, but be warned, some answers are a bit...well...unique.

Interview with Tabitha (age 8):

What is your favorite thing about homeschooling?

That we don't have to start as early, because I don't usually get enough sleep.

What is your least favorite thing about homeschooling?



Because they are boring.

How would you like me to make them more fun?

At the end of workbox number 4 we could have a craft that goes with the lesson of the Bible notebooks. 

Our schedule just changed recently, what do you like about this new schedule?

It helps me get a little more sleep because we get to bed earlier. Cause we wake up earlier and the earlier we get up, the tireder we'll be at night. 

What did you like about the old schedule?

That we could start our workboxes in the afternoon and not have too much stress.

What is your favorite thing to do when it is not lesson time?

Play video games. 

Do you have a favorite video game?

Yes, Super Mario 64.

What do you think you are learning while you do this?

 That video games are awesome.  Dad makes it look so easy, but Bowser is really hard to defeat.

What would our day look like if you planned it?

We'd wake up at 8:30, we'd come downstairs after getting dressed. Get our socks and shoes on. Eat breakfast. Clean off the table. Sit down at the table for school. 

School time:

Pledge of Allegiance
Pledge to the Bible
Pass out a quick snack
Read a story
This is the Day
Read our Bible story
Do a craft
Do workboxes with crafts in them.
Watch our show.

What is your favorite subject?

Logic of English, 

Why is it your favorite subject?

Because I like learning new words and what they mean.

What is your least favorite subject?

There's nothing much that I don't like. Math is what I don't like the most. I like math, but not as much as all the others.

What do you think they do in public school?

I think they do a lot of writing. I think they have to buy lunch sometimes if they forget theirs. Sometimes in their lessons I think they do something with science and math.  I'm glad that we're homeschooled because I don't want to get up that early.

Why do you think we homeschool?

Because at public school people don't really trust in God. And because you don't want us too stressed and there's a lot of writing and if we have to write we won't have much time to spend with you during the day.

Interview with Amelia (age 6 1/2):

What is your favorite thing about homeschooling?

That we get off schedule sometimes and we get to teach them.

What is your least favorite thing about homeschooling?

That we have to do math.

Our schedule just changed recently, what do you like about this new schedule?

Nothing yet. I still have to get used to it.

What did you like about the old schedule?

We didn't have to be in the living room.

What is your favorite thing to do when it is not lesson time?

Play Super Mario 64.

What do you think you are learning while you do this?


What would our day look like if you planned it?

Wake up at 10. Play games then eat breakfast. Then we will do one thing for school, Books of the Bible. Then we would watch a show. Then eat lunch. Then  we have to wait for dinner. Then we eat dinner. Then we watch Once Upon a Time. Then we brush teeth. Have Bible Time. And go to bed. 

What is your favorite subject?


Why is it your favorite subject?

No reason, it's just my favorite. 

What is your least favorite subject?


What do you think they do in public school?

Sit down and do math all day. 

Why do you think we homeschool?

Because its too much math at public school.

Interview with Hannah (age 5):

What is your favorite thing about homeschooling?


What is your least favorite thing about homeschooling?

Calendar when it takes too long.

Our schedule just changed recently, what do you like about this new schedule?

Great great

What did you like about the old schedule?

Both of them great.

What is your favorite thing to do when it is not lesson time?

Play games which is Paper Mario 64

What do you think you are learning while you do this?

Learning how to read.

What would our day look like if you planned it?

Eat breakfast. Clean off the table. Play games. Watch a show. Bible time. Eat lunch. Do a craft. Brush hair at night time. 

Are we going to have school time?

No, only Bible Time

What is your favorite subject?

Coloring and learning to read,.

Why is it your favorite subject?

Just so I can read a whole book.

What is your least favorite subject?


What do you think they do in public school?

Color a picture just like a said. Learn about Jesus. Eat sometimes there. 

Why do you think we homeschool?

Because we don't have a school.

Interview with Harold (age 3):

What is your favorite thing at lesson time?

Eat doggy treats. Color coloring sheets. Eat doggy treats

What do you like to do when we aren't having lesson time?

Play with dinosaurs. 

Do you like to learn?

Uh huh! 

What do you like to learn the best?

Doggy treats.

What do you think they do in public preschool?

Do the abc song. Play. Eat doggy treats. Have mommy time.

I hope you have enjoyed taking a look into how homeschooling works in our household.
Discover real life in other homeschools with the Schoolhouse Review Crew bloggers! Join the blog hop to read more!

Here are a some of my fellow Crew Mates to get you started.
You can click on the banner above to check out a list of all the blogs participating.

Life at Rossmont
A Stable Beginning
Happy Little Homemaker
Joyful Hearts and Faces
Day by Day in Our World
Mama's Coffee Shop
Delightful Learning
Double O Farms
Tales of a Homeschool Family
Home Sweet Life
A Rup Life
Indy Homeschool
The Open Window-An Autism Blog
Creative Madness Mama
Hopkins Homeschool
Our Journey
Crystal Starr
A Little This ... A Little That
For the Display of His Splendor

1 comment:

  1. This was too cute. I love hearing what children think about. They are so honest and real!


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