Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Real Life Homeschool: Co-op Fun

Real Life Homeschool Blog Hop

Welcome to Day 3 of the Real Life Homeschool Blog Hop with the Schoolhouse Review Crew!
During the past two days we have looked at our current schedule and what happens when we stray from it. I have to say, I love the flexibility of homeschooling. One thing I forgot to mention was that our schedule is for 4 days out of the week. On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday we have lesson time (usually). However, on Wednesdays we go to co-op. 

Co-op is held at a local Christian camp (the one that the children go to in the summer).  We meet for 1 day a week, from 9-12:30. Each month is a different session and the children have different classes, but there is always a gym session, which is great because P.E. is a requirement here in Pennsylvania. 

The older children meet in the Alpine Center and then break into their classes. There are 3 groups: K-3, 4-7, and 8-12.  They have 2 classes, gym, and snack. Then there is preschool for younger children. 

For preschool we head down the hill to Dove.

They usually have play time, story time, and craft time. Additionally, they also get a snack (each family takes a turn bringing snack). 

Starting in March, one of the classes for all the groups is always a Theater class. A couple of years ago, the K-3 group did Aesop's Fables, and last year we did a play called Every Day Heroes. This year we are doing Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Tabitha is going to play the older Snow White.

Amelia is playing the dwarf, Sneezy. She loves the idea of sneezing every time we turn around.

As I said, they also get a gym time. The have fun playing games such as Octopus Tag, Blob Tag, Freeze Tag, Steal the Bacon, and Relay Races. We also get out the parachute on occasion and do exercises. 

Stop back tomorrow to see what the girls have to say about homeschool. I know I said this yesterday, but I forgot that I wanted to chat about co-op.

Discover real life in other homeschools with the Schoolhouse Review Crew bloggers! Join the blog hop to read more!

Here are a some of my fellow Crew Mates to get you started.
You can click on the banner above to check out a list of all the blogs participating.

Treasuring Life's Blessings
Double O Farms
Simple Living Mama
Fried Clams and Sweet Tea
This Sweet Life
A Net In Time
Counting Pinecones
Some Call It Natural
Kingdom Academy Homeschool
 Debbie's Homeschool Corner

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