Friday, October 24, 2014

Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen #97: Doggy Chow

Time for Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen
(A weekly linky to share what you and your children have created in the kitchen.)


The linky is at the bottom.

I am so sorry that I have not been posting my Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen posts. I get a bit discouraged when no one is linking up, so I have been wondering if I should even continue the linky. Then I realized, I don't have to only post about my time with my children in the kitchen when others link up. Whether others link up or not is irrelevant. I love our time in the kitchen, it continues to be a learning experience, and I will share what we make. Don't get me wrong, if others link up, that is wonderful too. I love finding new recipes to try with the children. So, will join me for today's Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen?

Today I would like to share a snack we made a couple of weeks ago. We were supposed to be doing the letter D and one of the suggestions from was Doggy Chow. Now, this recipe is very similar to the Muddy Buddies we made a few years ago. In fact, Muddy Buddies was the featured snack on my first ever Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen post, almost exactly 3 years ago! If you would like to compare the recipes, I invite you to stop by my old post. 

Here is the recipe for Doggy Chow:


1/2 cup butter
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 cup peanut butter
1 box Crispix cereal (we used the generic brand)
2 cups powdered sugar

This is a very simple recipe to make and very yummy to "chow" down on during movie time. It replaced our popcorn that night.

I have a couple more children helping out now.

The older girls are capable of doing a lot more. Amelia is cutting up the butter to put it in the bowl.

Harold loves to help and will run to get the stool when he knows I am cooking in the kitchen. He loves being able to pour ingredients in the bowl. Here, he is pouring in the chocolate chips.

Hannah is helping to measure out the powdered sugar, which we set aside while the other ingredients were melted. She is doing really well with her counting and recognizing how many more she needs to reach the number we need.

Tabitha scooped the peanut butter into the bowl with the butter and chocolate chips.

These are the ingredients that get put in the microwave to be melted down.

While the chocolate/peanut butter mixture melted, Harold helped pour the cereal into our large bowl.

We heated the mixture on medium power for about 30 seconds and then stirred it. Then it went back in. I don't remember how long it took exactly. My tip for heating chocolate chips in the microwave is to heat them on medium power for 30 second intervals and then stir. Once they are smooth, they are done.

We then poured the chocolate/peanut butter mixture on top of the cereal and stirred to coat.

Then we added the powdered sugar and stirred again.



1- Pour cereal in large bowl, set aside.
2- Combine butter, chocolate chips, and peanut butter in a microwave-safe bowl.
3- Heat on medium power for 30 second intervals, stirring after each interval, until mixture is smooth.
4- Pour mixture on top of cereal and stir to coat evenly.
5- Add powdered sugar and stir again to coat evenly. 
6- Store in airtight container or plastic baggies.
7- Enjoy!

Do you have your children help you in the kitchen?  What lessons do they learn? Do you have any kid friendly recipes to share?

I'd love to see your posts, whether you have done something this week or some time in the past. Just link up below. This is a weekly linky.

And here is my Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen linky

If you have spent time with your children in the kitchen, I invite you to link up below.

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