Monday, September 24, 2012

Sunday Photo Round-Up (Scavenger Hunt and You Capture)

Okay, I am late, but at least this week I have a post. I don't know what is wrong with me with trying to get my Scavenger Hunt done. Okay, part of it is batteries that don't want to stay charged for my camera and not really liking the quality of the photos off my phone. I also gave up on trying to get the Photo a Day Challenge completed. I failed in the challenge the 3 months I tried it, so I decided to take a month off and just ended up not taking any photos for challenges. So, here I go again, trying to get back into the Scavenger Hunt Sunday plus the You Capture challenge. It has been a while since I have linked up with this photo challenge, but I saw the button on someone's blog and was thrilled to find out it is still up and going.
Anyway, here are this week's pictures.

This week's prompts:
Cracked, Fallen, Ordinary Color, Bokeh and Fence

The window in the girls' room got a little "ding" in it a few months ago. Unfortunately, a few weeks ago they had a friend over and they were monkeying around upstairs and the friend ended up falling against the window cracking it big time. I have it taped up for now, though I think it makes a nice little design.

Baby Harold had fallen asleep on the floor while I was upstairs putting Hannah down for her nap. He had been rolling around on the floor, playing with a piece of paper, and just fell asleep with the paper in his hand. 

 Ordinary Color
Hubby brought these roses home for me a few days ago, out of the blue. No it wasn't my birthday, or our anniversary. And we hadn't had an argument. He just wanted to tell me he loved me. Isn't it sweet. 

This is the fence in our backyard, outside the laundry room window, which separates our yard from the park. We think it is really neat to have a park as our back yard. Loved that the leaves were already changing color, so I had to capture them in the picture.

Now on to You Capture:


 So here are my photos for last week's theme.


Our sunflowers that we planted earlier in the summer FINALLY have flowers on them (a week late to fit in with our sun unit as I had planned). As you can see, only 2 actually grew large as they are supposed to. There are two tiny ones in the foreground. 

This week's theme is:

Baby Harold inside his car seat which is inside the shopping cart. 

 And linking up my favorite photo:
(I just loved his expression in this shot from his 7 month photo shoot. He sure looks like he is going to be a little stinker as he gets older. )


Happily Mother After

Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli


  1. Those sunflowers are amazingly tall!!

  2. Little Harold is growing like a weed! Loved all of your images -- the sunflower is beautiful!


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