Monday, September 3, 2012

Muffin Tin Monday: MFW Unit: S-Sun

Muffin Tin Monday at

Today we started Unit 2 of My Father's World. We are learning about the letter S and the Sun.
So of course this muffin tin probably makes no sense at first.

We had:
Chicken and Stars soup (because our sun is a star)

The rest of the food was to come together to demonstrate the different parts of the sun.
I put some Planters Nut-rition PB on a piece of bread (which I wished was a little bit bigger).
Then I put fluff on the edges to represent the Corona of the sun.

They were then to add the cantaloupe circle to represent the Convection Zone or the photosphere, not sure which.

Then we added the pineapple slice that represented the Radiative Zone.

She then pretended we needed to add the salad.

But what we really wanted to add was the mozzarella cheese circle that represents the Core.

There is our attempt to create a cross section of the sun.


  1. A wonderful, creative muffin tin to tie in with your learning!

  2. It's the little additions to our lessons that makes the memories. I'm sure your little girls will remember this part of their lesson.

  3. wow, and MTM that is also a science lesson? Awesome. Thanks for participating as always. :)


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