Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: July 6, 2011 w/linky

Fourth of July Celebrations:
Daddy setting off some fireworks:

Play at the playground, waiting for fireworks

Fireworks time

Yes, daddy is sitting in the stroller.

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  1. I love all the strollers lined up!

  2. That's awesome!
    my husband set off our fireworks display too!
    The kids were so excited!

    My Organized Chaos

  3. I bet the kids had a good laugh at him in the stroller! How funny!!

  4. LOL at Daddy siting in the stroller! Also, I can't believe you have coats and a blanket! It has been so hot and humid here!

  5. Looks like you had a fun 4th of July. That's so totally something my husband would do, sit in a stroller. I like the pics of the fireworks. I couldn't seem to get any with my camera.

  6. that was a lot of fireworks! does daddy have a skinny butt that he can fit in the stroller? LOL!

  7. how fun and my hubby who is 6'2 has been known to sit in my girls stroller too! haha

  8. New follower and #24 on the linky. Looks like a great 4th!

  9. Looks like ya'll had a ton of fun! I love how the kids are strapped into the strollers during fireworks. Too funny. Happy Wednesday!

  10. We never got the chance to watch fireworks coz we were rained on that day! Next year...

  11. I love the pic with all the kids sitting in the strollers. So cute! I linked up! Thanks!

    -Jennifer, Jennifer's Deals

  12. Hey partner- great photos! Looksl ike two of our kids are around the same age!

  13. Playing at the playground is how my boys used their "bored" time waiting for the fireworks. There weren't any strollers involved though!


  14. Passing by from WW…didn’t get time to finish seeing everyone’s pictures! What sweet looking girls you have! Looks like JUly 4th was a success for you!

  15. Fun times. We celebrated on Sat at my in laws house. Monday we took it easy and stayed in all day (and watched the celebration on TV) Thanks for linking up to the NOBH.


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