Sunday, July 17, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday: July 17, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday items: Black and White, Reflections in Glass, Headlights, Seeing Double, and Bare

Black and White

I couldn't decide if I was going to look for something black and white or use the lovely photo effects from my computer. I loved this photo and wanted to share it, so I opted for the photo effects.
Also linking to
The Paper Mama

Reflections in Glass

It was a beautiful sunset the other night.  My camera wouldn't really do it justice, but I liked the effect of getting the picture of the reflection.
Also linking to

When we take walks around town we are very used to cars coming at us.  Most of the way around town there are no sidewalks.  Usually we are back in the house before it is dark enough for cars to be using headlights.  When we went out later the other night I used the opportunity to take some shots for this prompt. I really liked the way the beams of light are shining beyond my hubby in this shot.

Seeing Double

We went to the library on Friday to spin the wheel for the summer reading program.  It was game day, so after we picked our books I let the girls try some games I thought would be good for them.  Then Amelia got two monkeys together with the Barrel of Monkeys game and I immediately thought of this challenge because I hadn't found anything yet.  And I liked the dominoes too. What can I say.


We were watering the garden when big brother Floyd decided to get the girls wet.  I told him I would like some pictures of their bare feet (I love feet pictures and I haven't taken any for a while).


  1. I really love your reflections in glass.

  2. That first shot is ADORABLE! Great set!

  3. I love the sunset in the reflection of the glass!

  4. Love the dominoes, too! The wet, bare feet look very refreshing. Nice set!

  5. I love your reflections in glass picture! Lovely sunset. :)

  6. Great job girl - that reflection in glass is spectacular. What a beautiful night!

  7. Your reflection in the glass is delightful. :)


  8. Awwwww...your B&W is so sweet. She is precious. And love your reflections shot~~ Nice job.

  9. I love feet pictures too... love the dresses with the bare feet... my little girl refuses to wear dresses anymore (age 10) ... *sigh* =) have a lovely week!

  10. I love the texture of the lace curtains behind your reflection shot. What a wonderful sunset! Thanks for linking in to Exploring with a Camera, so happy to have you along.


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