Sunday, May 29, 2011

Science Sunday: Exploring and Enjoying God's Creation (Nature Finds, Dandelions and Snails)

Science Sunday

Now that the weather is warmer we have been having a great time getting out, taking walks, going to the park, just enjoying exploring God's creation.  The girls have enjoyed gathering nature objects for our "science table" that they would like to create.  For now they are in one of our old Easter baskets.  

A while ago my girls brought me a nice bouquet of dandelions.  I have never really paid attention to the details of dandelions going to seed.  It just seems one day the yard is a carpet of yellow and the next we have white puff balls all over our yard just begging to be blown by the children.  While these dandelions stood on our counter I finally was able to notice some things I never noticed.  I am not sure if the time frame is different for dandelions that are still growing in the yard, but they didn't go to seed near as fast as I thought they would.  I always thought the yellow petals turned white.  We were able to see the yellow wither up and drop off so the seeds underneath could spread forth.

In fact, we stood there pulling some of the withered yellow parts off.

Here they are ready to get thrown out. I have had them too long.  I am thinking of picking some new ones and  getting pictures each day, so we can truly see the progression.

As we were sort of studying dandelions I decided I wanted to take a picture of the dandelions while we had our picnic on Wednesday.  

Then Tabitha wanted to take some pictures.

I figured it was a good way for her to observe nature.

Then Amelia wanted a turn of course.

I shared about our snails last week in my weekly school time post.

Today I decided it was time to let them go.  We opened the jar and set it down in our greenery.  I was surprised to see several other snails on the leaves.

They really did seem to like their freedom.
Here is their new home:

Also linked up at

Tot School


  1. So much wonder in some of God's tiniest creations! Thanks so much for sharing!


  2. Great pictures - love nature!
    Getting the word out.. still and again for Haley - today she is in the hospital receiving yet again another blood transfusion - She needs a bone marrow transplant - Please go to her Facebook page and like it - if you can donate - Please say "I want to donate" and I will contact you with all you need. thank you - Kelly
    Sunday Post
    Haley's Facebook Page
    I've Become My Mother
    I've Become My Mother facebook

  3. love the nature explorations! We just studied caterpillars turn into butterflies and my girls loved it! :)

    Hope to see you link up with the Sunday Showcase this week!


  4. We had a similar experience with dandelions in a vase, this year - it was very cool to watch. Great pictures of the snails! Almost Unschoolers

  5. Yet another great post! We just had some fun with worms. Well, my kids did. Love the dandelion idea!


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