Monday, April 18, 2011

Menu Plan Monday: Week of April 18, 2011


This past week went pretty well.  I changed the menu up a little at the end of the week. We had the lasagna on Friday, so we could eat a quick meal on Saturday before heading out to the Homeschool co-op's annual performance.  We do not yet belong, but we love to go.  Anyway, then I made the Shepherd's Pie Sunday because Krystal wanted it.  That leaves leftovers for lunch this week.

Here is this week's menu:
Monday: We are going to try to observe Passover for the first time and I am still trying to figure this out.
Tuesday: Salmon Burgers and salad
Wednesday: Tuna Noodle Casserole
Thursday: Breakfast For Dinner Thursday: Hubby has requested Quiche again
Friday: If I can find the recipe, Paprika Chicken with rice.
Saturday: Have a wedding to attend, my step daughter is getting married!! So no clue what we are doing this day.
Sunday: Leftovers

Don't forget to join my on Thursdays for Breakfast For Dinner Thursdays
Tots and Me


  1. yum!!! Do you have your quiche recipe online??

  2. I haven't had quiche in soooo long. We need to have it this week too.

  3. Stopping by from Ask Ms Recipe- Hope you stop by my Marvelous Menu Post so I can visit you back.
    Thanks Nina


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