Monday, September 13, 2010

Mamarazzi Monday: September 13, 2010

Are you a compulsive picture taker?
Do you stalk your family with a camera?

Mamarazzi Monday

How we walk to the park:

Tabitha decided to build with her breakfast bowl and cup:

Tabitha said she was feeding the baby:

The real baby, Hannah, getting her hair combed:

Trying so hard to sit up:

This is how Hannah sleeps on the floor, on two pillows, 
during the day.  Usually not quite like this, but I thought 
it was cute.

"Apple Eyes"

Our almost pet cat.  She followed us all around town on
our walk and we brought her in for a little bit
(not too long, because I have really bad allergies to cats)

Amelia showing the cat our Xx book:

She ate some tuna fish, drank some water, meowed at the door
then slept in the bed we made her in the old car seat.
Unfortunately, she was gone in the morning and we
haven't seen her since.

Time for Close Up/Whole Picture

Close Up

Whole Picture

Close Up

Farther away

Whole Picture

To link up head on over to Sarah @ Mainline Moms


  1. Loved these! The girls are so cute! The apple eyes made me smile :-)

  2. I am your new follower. You can follow me back at

    Have a great weekend


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