Monday, September 27, 2010

A bunch of photography

Time to share some of my obviously-not-professional photos taken recently.  This first group were taken for Scavenger Hunt Sunday.  

A miniature home
 Water Droplet
Drip, drip, drip

Rain drops on leaves
Good morning Amelia

Must I get up?
Daddy and his tie dyed shirt
She is always complimented on her long lashes.

Now for some photos I didn't go looking for, but the photo opportunities found me.

Mamarazzi Monday

Time for Mamarazzi Monday, hosted by Ann Marie over at Household 6 Diva

She said she was stuck.  I was holding the baby and couldn't get her unstuck.  I called her brother down from his room.  By the time he got there she had effortlessly gotten herself free.  Stinker!

After the week of posting a sign for the You Capture challenge, I realized I had plenty of signs to choose from.  So I went to the park and took a few.  I really liked this one.

Poor Grandpa.  Will they ever visit again?

Trying to get a good picture of Hannah's feet for the Feet challenge for Perceptive Perspective.  Then I realized I was too late.  But wanted to share anyway.

Tabitha's toes after her first sleepover.

Tabitha found this butterfly in the yard and caught it.  This is Amelia holding it.

Thought this was adorable!

Time for Close Up/Whole Picture

Close Up

Whole Picture
This was actually "Paparazzi"

Close Up

Whole Picture


This week's theme for You Capture, hosted by Beth over at I Should Be Folding Laundry, is FLOWERS:

We noticed a bunch of pretty flowers over by the park fence at the back of our yard.  This is where Tabitha left the butterfly we took pictures of and I shared above.  I thought they would be pretty for the challenge.

Loved her flower dress being added to the background 
of the flowers.


  1. So many photo challenges! Your daughter is adorable. You don't need to apologize for your photos...they are great and I love that you're sharing these memories. Thanks for linking up!

  2. I love the "stuck in the chair" pictures!! TOO CUTE!!

    And poor Grandpa! *grin*

    Ann Marie - Household6Diva

  3. I really love the picture with the water droplets on the leaves! Gorgeous!!


  4. I love the "diaper bed" pictures!! LOL

  5. I was going to say what amazing eyelashes your daughter has, when I read she gets that all the time! I can see why. The water droplets on the leaf is lovely.

  6. Those are amazing pictures. Great memories, and fun stuff. Your kids are adorable!


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