Thursday, July 4, 2019

Matific Galaxy Giveaway {3 Winners!}

Last week I posted my review of Matific Galaxy, an online math program Harold has been using for the past several weeks. This award-winning program is for children from kindergarten through sixth grade. 

Harold loves the challenge of saving the aliens on the different planets while working on his math. Once the aliens get their pixels back, through Harold successfully completing math problems, he gets to give them gifts and take care of them.

We love the colorful, interactive games that help him improve his math skills in many topics. 

The topics include:
  • Numbers
  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Mixed Operations
  • Basic Fractions
  • Length and Area
  • Measurements
  • Geometry
  • Problem Solving
Here is a screenshot of one of Harold's favorite games.

And I love the Parent Zone where I can check on his progress.

Harold loves this program so much and thinks it is so fun. In fact, he's been known to play a lot longer than he is required to each day. 

Not only can Matific Galaxy be played on a computer, but it can be played on your tablet or smartphone with their app. They have a separate one for each grade level.


Matific Galaxy has generously allowed me to give away 3 single grade, 1-year access accounts. You can actually try the program out for free, but you will be unable to move beyond the first planet without a subscription.

Do you have a child who loves to play on the computer, or a tablet or phone? Why not give them a fun way to work on their math while they do so? 

This giveaway will run for a week and a half. What I need you to do, is go try out the app (either from the App Store or Google Play) and then leave a review. You will then need to take a screenshot of that review and leave it on my Facebook post about this giveaway. Then, you can come back here to earn more entries into the giveaway.

Giveaway is open to US residents, 18 and over
Giveaway runs from July 4th through July 14th
Good luck!

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