Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Littles Learning Link Up: July 24, 2018

 Each month you will find:
  • A seasonal round-up (usually toward the beginning of the month)
  • Posts where I share what I have been up to with my early elementary children (including occasional highlight posts where I share how we used ideas that have been linked up here on Littles Learning Link Up).
Each week, I will host a link up, where you can share either what you have been up to recently, or old posts that may go with the theme.  Feel free to link up more than one post.

Each week I will continue to feature a couple of posts from those that have been linked up. 

I hope you will continue to share your wonderful posts, and I hope you will find something new to try with your child(ren).

It would be great for everyone to stop by and visit the other linked-up posts as well. Check them out, leave some comments, pin those that interest you. Let's make this a real party and socialize with each other.

What have we been up to?

We are getting used to our summer session routine. We are finishing up our My Father's World Creation to the Greeks year by focusing on Ancient Greece, reading books, using our text books from My Father's World, and putting together our Ancient Greece Time Line from Home School in the Woods. I have tried to keep our days more relaxed than they will be in the fall. We have also been enjoying both of our Summer Reading Programs. Today the children got to make dog toys to be donated to the SPCA. The bonus surprise was that there were several puppies brought to the library for the children to play with. 

No children, we still can not have a puppy. Mommy is still allergic. Pout pout. Getting a lot of pouts this afternoon.

Let's take a look at that review schedule real quick:

Last week I shared my review of the eGuide for The Josefina Story Quilt from Progeny Press. This week you will find my review for the online courses from Northwest Treasures titled Taking the Mystery Out of Geology and Dinosaurs and the Bible. Next week I will be sharing my reviews for science lessons from WriteBonnieRose, and another fun timeline from Home School in the Woods, this time on Ancient Greece. In August I will be sharing my review of Paddington Lit Study from Branch Out World.

Here are some things I would like to share with you:

Here are some ideas for keeping your children busy this summer.

Whether you can get to the beach or not, here are some fun beach related ideas.

Maybe you prefer to camp over going to the beach. I have a round up for that as well.

Don't miss this giveaway!

You can win a copy of the children's picture book, Can I Be Your Dog? by Troy Cummings.
US residents only
Ends July 29, 2018

Now onto:
Littles Learning Link Up Features

On my last Littles Learning Link Up post, there were 6 wonderful post linked up.  I will be sharing  one randomly selected post, plus the top clicked on post. 

Please, don't forget to stop by other posts that are linked up. See what catches your eye, stop by, pin the post to a relevant board, and perhaps leave a comment to let the author of the blog know you have been by for a visit. I know I appreciate others commenting and letting me know they have read my posts, so I am sure others do too.

This week's randomly selected post is:

Brandy from The Barefoot Mom shared Corn Plant Watercolor Resist Craft.

This week's most clicked on post is:

Jeniffer from Thou Shall Not Whine shared How to Build a Homeschool Routine.

Join the Party!

I would love to have you join in this week! What sort of activities do you do with your young children? Do you have some favorite activities you would like to share? I invite you to link up below. I will be pinning posts on one of my relevant boards, and I would love to feature some of the activities each week from what is linked up.

Please know I may share a picture from your post and link back to it, along with sharing how we used your idea in our school time. By linking up you are giving me permission to use a picture from your post. I will ALWAYS give credit and link back. Additionally, if you choose to try out any of the ideas with your child, please make sure you give credit where credit is due.

Linky will be open through Monday night, to give me time to check out all the posts and get the Features organized. Please take the time to visit some of the other wonderful posts linked up.

No button currently, and there won't be one until I can figure it out seeing as Photobucket has changed things. Feel free to still share the picture in place of the button. Just link it to my Littles Learning Link Up permalink please.

I am sharing over at

Homeschool Coffee Break

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