Friday, April 13, 2018

Wholesome Family Entertainment with Princess Cut {A TOS Review}

Do you struggle to find wholesome movies to watch with your family? Well, today I would like to share a little about a movie we recently received thanks to being on the Homeschool Review Crew. We were so excited when we learned we were going to get to watch the Dove Approved, Romantic Drama titled Princess Cut by Watchman Pictures. 

The children and I have actually watched Princess Cut three times now. It is a lovely, Christian romance that focuses on the theme of "True Love is Worth the Wait." With all the movies and shows out there that portray characters finding "true love" at the drop of a hat, it was so refreshing to watch a movie that focused on this theme. 

The movie opens with a confusing scene. We see a man digging a hole, a hole where he is burying what appears to be an engagement ring. We're left wondering who this man is, and why in the world would he be burying a ring. Though we do find out who the man is quite early in the movie, the mystery about the ring takes a while to be answered. 

After the title screen the first thing we see is a case full of engagement rings. And we are introduced to Grace Anderson, the main character in this story. At the beginning of the film she is obsessed with the thought of receiving a Princess Cut engagement ring. It is obvious she is focused on what so many are these days when it comes to relationships, finding someone "cute/hot" and "fun." She is excited about the possibility of her boyfriend Stewart proposing to her, as he has invited her on a date and has told her he has something important to tell her. Her parents are concerned that she is getting too emotionally attached to a man she doesn't really know anymore, a man she hasn't even seen for awhile as he has been away at college. Though her mother tries to impress upon her the importance of waiting for true love and not getting caught up in the superficial, you can tell she isn't getting through to Grace, whose main thought is finding the perfect dress for her date that night.

Sadly the date doesn't go as planned and Grace finds herself without a boyfriend and distraught over the thought that God doesn't want her to ever get married. It doesn't help that her best friend Tessa is also only obsessed with the outer appearance. In fact, she tells Grace that it might help if she changes such things as her wardrobe and her perfume, not realizing she isn't really helping matters at all. 

Then two men come into Grace's life. 

First there is Jared, who seems nice enough as he approaches her in the coffee shop. In fact, we are reminded that we first saw him in the jewelry shop where he worked prior to working in the coffee shop. He is most definitely interested in pursuing a relationship with her. 

Then there is Clint, Doctor Clint Masters that is. He has just recently moved to their little town of East Bend, North Carolina. It took a while for it to dawn on me that he is the first character we met, as he is the man who was burying the ring in the opening scene. The Anderson family first meets him when they stop by his home to welcome him to their town. Throughout the movie he is interacting with the family, helping out when needed. Though it isn't until a bit later that he makes him intentions known in regards to Grace.

As the story progresses Grace discovers the importance of listening to her parents, of deferring to their wisdom. She is faced with heartache and confusion as one relationship turns bad, and another seems to be taking an uncertain turn. However, thanks to a talk and an object lesson from her father involving soybeans, she has decided that she will let God lead her in this area of her life, waiting for Him to bring the right man into her life.

So, what does the Lord have in store for Grace's life? Well, I'm obviously not going to tell you the answer to that question and ruin the movie for you. I'll just say, there were definitely twists and turns I didn't see coming, though some aspects were a bit obvious. Tension was added to the movie in several different places. The Anderson family is dealing with financial hardship on their farm, which has led to stress and uncertainty. To add to Grace's personal struggle, there is the addition of an ex-girlfriend of one of the male characters. And to top it off, her best friend Tessa falls for one of the "hot" guys and claims him as her own, though they only ever bumped into one another and no relationship was ever pursued. 

The movie isn't all tension and drama, there were some comedic moments we all enjoyed. The majority of these revolved around an ad that was placed by Grace's younger brother Drew in an attempt to help her out. Suddenly, there are all these different suitors showing up at their door trying to impress her father and win her hand, and the macaroni and cheese. In fact, there are even more of these scenes, plus extended versions of the ones in the movie, in the Special Features section of the DVD.

Here is what you will find in the Special Features:
  • The Making of Princess Cut
  • Deleted Scenes
  • Blooper Reel
  • Set Apart Girl Promo
  • Princess Cut Trailer
  • Love Covers All Trailer

While I personally believe this movie is suitable for the entire family, I did want to make you aware of a short, yet intense scene that involves an attack leading into a fight. Also the word "jerk" is used one time. There are scenes were it is implied that there was some intimacy going on between Grace and one of the male characters, but it sounds as if the "intimacy" is no more than hugs and a kiss. Though Grace was definitely bothered by them, especially because they happened in seclusion. 

Princess Cut is a great Christian movie that has no issue with talking about the Lord and quoting Scripture. It was so refreshing to be able to watch a movie that I could share with my children, knowing it wasn't full of bad language, scantily clad characters, or disrespect. It is definitely a movie I highly recommend and want to share about with my friends. Yes, there are decent movies out there!

You can find Princess Cut on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Google +, and YouTube.

Don't forget to click on the banner below to see what my fellow Crew Mates had to say about Princess Cut.

Princess Cut {Watchman Pictures Reviews}

Crew Disclaimer

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