Sunday, November 26, 2017

Christmas Around the World Study Review and Giveaway

When I was growing up, the end of the Thanksgiving day parade was always the ushering in of the Christmas season. Christmas decorations adorned the streets and the storefronts. Holiday programing began to air on television and radio. It was time to write and send out Christmas cards. As I got older I learned that there is a name for this time of year. It is called Advent, the time of year when we await the coming of Jesus. I love to find new ideas to make special memories during this time of year, and we have some lovely traditions. This year, we are adding in some "Christmas Around the World" learning with the help of the Christmas Around the World curriculum from Awe Filled Homeschooler. I was sent a free, PDF copy for review, and the children and I have studied some of the countries that are included in this study, though we are leaving the remainder of it for Advent.

Along with this 75-page study, there is also a Passport that can be printed out and used to "stamp" the different countries you are visiting. This passport is currently free as a part of the purchase of the Christmas Around the World study. 

During the course of this study, you and your children will be learning about Christmas traditions in 21 countries, in addition to what Advent is, plus a look at St. Nicholas, and ending with learning about the birth of Christ. 

Each day there is a lesson that explains the different traditions of a country. You will look briefly at traditions involving such things as gift giving, decorations, meals, religious services, and other countries' versions of Santa Claus or gift bringers if applicable. Then there is a page with questions to answer. Lines are provided for the child to write their answers. Additionally, there is a coloring/activity sheet that goes with each country. 

As long as you start this study on the first of December, you will be able to get through all of the lessons before Christmas day. If you wanted to wait until the first Sunday of Advent to start the study, you could easily skip some lessons, or double up if you are so inclined. The lessons themselves are quite brief, and it doesn't take that long for the children to answer the questions. Younger children could tell you their answers for you to write down. And the activity pages are simple coloring and/or drawing projects that help reinforce one aspect of the lesson that was learned.

How did we use this study?

We started this study by reading the first lesson about Advent, though I didn't have the children fill in their question/answer sheet. We will do that on December 1st. As for the coloring sheet for that lesson is filled with 24 presents, I am assuming it is to be used as a sort of countdown chart, so we will start that then as well. 

I then decided we would study the traditions of countries we have already learned about in our Exploring Countries and Cultures curriculum last year. It was nice to "journey" to these countries we already knew something about. I figured I would leave the new countries until actual Advent. 

Some of the countries we looked at were Canada, Germany, France, Australia, and Mexico. We would gather around the computer as I read the lesson (in an attempt to save ink). Then I asked the children the questions and we went to the table so the children could do the activity and fill in the question/answer sheet. They colored a Santa Claus, colored shoes and filled them with treats, decorated a Yule log, and drew kangaroos for Santa's sleigh in Australia, among other things. 

Here they are, busy at work.

The questions help the children focus on what was learned along with what their favorite part of each country's celebration was. Granted, they are only going off what we read, but I ask them to tell me what sounds like it would be the most fun to participate in. As for the activity page, I appreciate that they are simple and don't require additional materials. 

We have really enjoyed learning little tidbits about how children in other countries will be celebrating Christmas this year. Last year we learned about quite a few different countries, learning about their cultures, and how people are both the same and different all over the world. This study is an extension of that. For children who have not had any previous lessons on other countries around the world, this study is a wonderful way to whet the appetite, and get children interested in them. Though the lessons are short and simple, you could always add additional information and activities. Personally, as we are adding this study onto our already busy days, these are just the right length. 

We can't wait to learn about the other countries' traditions next month. 

I have been given the chance to offer my readers a chance to enter to win their own PDF copy of the Christmas Around the World study. Check out the details below.

Time for that giveaway!
As December is almost here, this is going to be short-lived giveaway, as I want to make sure you can start this study on December 1st.

All you need to do is enter in the Rafflecopter form below. 
There are only 2 simple mandatory entries, with the remainder of the entries being optional. 
Remember, you do not have to do the extra entries, but they will increase your odds of winning. 

This giveaway is open to US residents 18 and over. 
The giveaway runs November 26th through November 28th.

Thanks for stopping by, and good luck!

Disclosure: I received the Christmas Around the World study in exchange for my honest review. No further compensation was given. This did not in any way influence my review. I only recommend products I use personally and feel will be a good products for my readers.


  1. I think Israel would be really cool! Don't hear about their traditions too much!

  2. My daughter says she wants to learn about Christmas in France.

  3. I would love to learn about Austria

  4. My daughter and I would love to learn about Christmas in China.

  5. What a great study! We would love to learn more about Israel's Christmas. Thank you!

  6. This looks terrific! We are especially interested in Christmas traditions from Germany, but also Scotland -- these are the countries out ancestors are from.

  7. I’d love to learn more about Austria!

  8. Would love to learn more about Australia.

  9. Looks like a lot of fun. We would like to learn more about Mexico and Germany. Thanks.

  10. Looks interesting. We would love to learn about Germany.

  11. I'm interested in learning about Greece.

  12. My ancestors are from France and Germany, so probably those two. Thanks for the chance.

  13. I think Germany. My Dad's ancestry is German & Swiss.

  14. I'd like to learn what they do in England, France, and Russia.

  15. I'd love to learn about Canadian Christmas traditions. German traditions would be interesting also!

  16. I'd be excited to learn about Australia!


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