Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Wordless Wednesday: May 10, 2017 (w/linky) : Random Pictures From the Past Week and a Half

At the doctor's office:

After the storm that same afternoon:

They're picking up the trash can and lid.

Clearing branches out of the road.

Tabitha found this broken egg:

Venture Club End-of-Year Trip to see Lion King Jr. at the Family Life Center in Bath, NY

Beautiful tree outside of church:

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.

Tots and Me


  1. Must have been quite a storm! That tree is gorgeous!!

  2. I hope the baby bird survived the storm. We've had lots of baby chicks hatching here.

  3. That is the perfect tree to pick to plant outside a church!

  4. That tree really is stunning!! Hope you all have some nice weather on the way now the storm has passed!

  5. Love the blossom and lets hope the egg hatched a little bird that is safe in a nest


  6. Looks as thought you mush have had some bad winds with all those branches.I love to see all the Spring blossom :)

  7. What kind of plant is that in the first 2 pictures? It is so big and so lovely!


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