Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Wordless Wednesday: February 15, 2017 (w/linky) : Valentine's Day Fun

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.

Tots and Me


  1. What a special day. My boys get a small box of chocolates. I left my students a small Valentine and some mini chocolate bars at their seats. It looks like your kids enjoyed their day!

  2. The heart-shaped pancakes are cute. It seems I did this one year with our kids. We definitely gave them small boxes of chocolates and handmade Valentine's Day cards. That's a long standing tradition in this house. I occasionally will mail them cards and small packets of Sweetheart candies for Valentine's Day. :D

  3. Very cute! The pancakes turned out well! Bet your kids loved it. :)

  4. Aww so sweet! I love the little heart pancakes.

    Have a blessed day!

  5. Happy Valentine's! I love the pictures you've done with the flowers.
    And it looks like your kids were thrilled :) I did heart-shaped homemade pizza last night for my son

  6. What a great looking group of kids! I'm sure they had a great day! Thanks for linking up at NanaHood. I really enjoy visiting your blog and seeing what you and your kids have been up to!

  7. Looks like you had a super cute valentine's day! And you actually managed the wordless part of WW, which not so many people do! I sure didn't.

  8. Love the pancakes & strawberries! Thanks for sharing, looks like everyone had a great day!

  9. Awwww.... heart-shaped pancakes too cute. My kids always made my valentines... too cute! They use to make me coupons like one coupon would be to go to the store or vacuum the rug or walk the dog. They were so cute. I wish they were little once again. Your children are definitely getting big. It's been a while since I stopped by. Fabulous to seeing them again! hugs

  10. How lovely!Hope you all had a Happy Valentines Day!


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