Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Wordless Wednesday: January 25, 2017 (w/linky) : What a Difference

What a difference a couple of days makes. Saturday and Sunday we were over at the park, barely needing a jacket in 50 degree weather. Today, winter made a reappearance.



Today (Tuesday)

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.

Tots and Me


  1. The weather this winter has been crazy. It's been really mild in Southern Ontario as well, and then snow and really cold today. Although we only got a sprinkling - nothing like you received! I do love the snowman though :)

  2. We had another 'day' of winter here. High sixties!! Woo hoo...got to turn off the A/C and air out the house!
    Unfortunatly, tomorrow will be back in the 80's :(
    Thank you for sharing some of your snow with us here in the south.
    - Lisa

  3. Love your sweet snowman! We've had no snow here for the second year in a row! I miss it!
    Happy Wednesday! Megs

  4. I love the snowman he is a cool dud with the sunglasses!!!:) I miss the snow, its only in the mountains where we live.

  5. That is quite a contrast! I hope the snow ice was yummy. :P
    We have summer right now below the Equator. Amanda has never experienced snow and she's nearly 9.

  6. Lovely pictorial romp with your family. That is one great snowman the kids built. Yay for snow, as long as it doesn't last too awfully long!

  7. I really enjoy getting to see all the pictures each week of your happy, wholesome family! Thank you so much for sharing them. You have such a beautiful family.

  8. Wow! Huge difference! Stay warm! :)

  9. The weather has been weird lately. But at least the kids are happy :)


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