Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Wordless Wednesday: July 13, 2016 (w/linky): Hannah's First Year at Camp

Taking her to camp Sunday afternoon.

After we dropped her off, we spent some time at the park and went out for dinner.

Headed to pick Hannah up earlier this afternoon.

Such a sweet hug for her CIT, who just happens to share her name.

She bought a new monkey.

The way she tells it, Ooo ooo (her other monkey) grew up and gave birth to the new monkey.

We are so happy to have her home. Her siblings are playing so nicely with her...for now. I'm sure the bickering will start back up eventually. She had a wonderful time at camp. In case you couldn't tell by the smiley pictures.

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.

Tots and Me


  1. I'm sure she had plenty of fun, making new friends!

  2. Camp is such a wonderful experience! Michael went for the first time last year (age 9). I missed him so much, but he had a blast and asked for two weeks away this year.

    Hannah looks like she had an amazing time :)

  3. Lovely funny holiday series!
    Enjoy your time, greetings from Germany

  4. What a lovely post and photos she looked like she loved it heheh!

  5. First let me say you take great pictures and plenty of them. I am glad is was so much fun for her too.

  6. Great to see the kids in action, they always have so much fun!

  7. Camp is such a great experience. I loved it when I was a kid and I think it's great for kids to do it too.

  8. How exciting for her! I bet she had a fabulous time!

  9. Awww what a lovely experience! And the trip in the park looks so much fun too!

  10. Nice to hear that you all survived the experience


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