Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sunday Photo Round Up- March 6, 2016

I did NOT realize the last time I posted a Scavenger Hunt Sunday post was back in October. I have been slacking majorly with my photo challenges. At the beginning of March I decided I needed to get focused again. I have gotten pictures for all three of my challenges so far this month, plus my Scavenger Hunt Sunday prompts. Hoping to stay faithful this month.

Let's start with Scavenger Hunt Sunday, shall we.

Up, Fruit, Neighborhood, Smile, Photographer's Choice


Look at the bird way UP there on the streetlight. Couldn't believe it hung around long enough for me to get a picture.


Yummy FRUIT with Wasa crackers and Laughing Cow Cheese for a yummy E (Energizing) snack on the Trim Healthy Mama plan. Love red grapes!


Love being able to go to the NEIGHBORHOOD park right behind our house. Harold is just learning to pump his legs to swing himself. I can't believe how nice the weather has been this winter. Note the lack of snow, quite odd for this area at the beginning of March.


I'm SMILING because I know this spoonful of coconut oil not only tastes GOOD, but is good for me.

(This was also for my "Good" prompt for fmsphotoaday)

Photographer's Choice

I had to stop and snap a picture of the horizon on my way home the other night.I loved the trees against that little bit of white and the darker sky.

Photo A Day Round Up

I am participating in a few different photo-a-day challenges again this year. The photos are being shared daily on Instagram, but I thought it would be nice to include a collage of them here on my blog as well. Here are my collages showing the pictures from March 1-5.

The first ones are the Photo A Day Challenge from Fat Mum Slim.

The second set are from The Bethadilly Challenge.

The third challenge is the Schoolhouse Review Crew's Instagram challenge. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the fruit shot and the children on the swings. Have a good week.


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