Sunday, June 7, 2015

Sunday Photo Round Up- June 7, 2015

Time to share my photos from the three photo challenges I participate in! Let's start with Scavenger Hunt Sunday, shall we.

Season, What I'm Looking At, In Motion, It Means A Lot To Me, Photographer's Choice


Yep, the SEASON is still rainy, rainy spring. Amelia had to wear her jacket and become a zebra to walk with daddy to the store.

This is actually the picture I shared on Instagram. 
I don't SEASON my soup too much, just a little garlic powder and pepper in addition to the broth.

What I'm Looking At

Yes, this is WHAT I'M LOOKING AT. My daughter in a fan box. Why not? 

In Motion

Playing basketball at the park (sort of) and I caught this shot of them IN MOTION.

It Means A Lot To Me

It is not usual for me to get packages in the mail that aren't review products, so it MEANS A LOT TO ME that the hubby tried to surprise me with these new Bible study Books, even after I was resigned to do without them.

Photographer's Choice

She was just sitting there, so precious, looking at the clover flowers. I had to snap her picture.

Photo A Day Round Up

I am participating in a few different photo-a-day challenges this year. The photos are being shared daily on Instagram, but I thought it would be nice to include a collage of them here on my blog as well. Here are my collages showing the pictures from May 31 to Jun 6.

The first one is the Photo A Day Challenge from Fat Mum Slim.

The second one is The Bethadilly Challenge (this is where the Scavenger Hunt Sunday prompts have come from so far this year).

The third challenge is new this month. I decided to join in with the Schoolhouse Review Crew's new Instagram challenge. Here are the pictures from May 25- May 30.

1 comment:

  1. A very good collection of photos. Like both your season photos as we have had a rainy summer start too.

    R. Täysin arkista


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