Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: December 17, 2014 (w/linky)- Snow Play


  1. Sweet. Never been in snow like that.

  2. I want it to snow this year so that my son could do exactly this =)

    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Haha! i like the fun snowy photos the kids look like they love it we haven't had any here in London yet :-)

    Have a frozentastic weekend :-)

  4. Oh, I wish we had snow. At least we got some rain. I love Harold looking at the snow embedded on his gloves.

    Sorry, I'm a day late (and probably a dollar short), but I have been sick and I had a bit of a relapse yesterday of my cold. Feeling much better today since I finally got a good night's sleep.


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