Sunday, November 2, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday: November 2, 2014

Time for some Scavenger Hunt Sunday!

Dress Up, Candy, Fall Colors, Trick-or-Treat, Photographer's Choice

Dress Up

The girls dressed up as princesses and Harold was our knight during our Treasure Hunt with Clued in Kids. In the first picture the girls were acting scared of dragon daddy while the our brave knight was protecting them.


One of my favorite candies is candy corn, so of course I have to come up with a craft for the kids to do related to candy corn. 

Fall Colors

I have had very little opportunity to get a good shot of fall colors this year. A couple of weeks ago we were stopped at a construction zone and I looked out my window to see this vibrant red-leafed tree. Fortunately I had enough time to get a picture. The field behind the fence is full of drooping sunflowers.


 We do not participate in Halloween, including trick-or-treating. Instead, the children are "treated" to a day of shows and then a movie with lights out and popcorn while curled up in front of the tv.

Photographer's Choice

I'm glad we got a chance to enjoy the leaves at the park the other day as we are now getting our first snowfall today.  Loved this picture of Hannah and Harold traipsing through a deep leaf pile.


  1. It looks like your family has lots of fun. I love the fall color shot also.

  2. You have some cute subjects to work with! Kids and dogs can't resist a pile of leaves. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Sweet shots all. That red tree is spectacular. The jumping shot is very cute.

  4. That tree in Fall Colors reminds me of one in our area and I used in for Photographer's Choice this week.

  5. That first shot is a winner! Their expressions are perfect. The others are great, too.

  6. what a precious little family. I love them all bundled up in their sleeping bags. They are going to treasure those memories. I am one of five & I loved when we had "sleep overs" (us on the living room floor on pallets of blankets).

  7. Your kiddos are so cute in the dress-up shot.
    Candy corn is yummy and doing a candy corn craft looks like fun.
    Gorgeous tree.
    So glad they enjoyed a fun time even though you don't do Halloween.
    Playing in leaves is a blast, they seem to be having a grand time.


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