Monday, December 9, 2013

Sunday Photo Round-Up: December 9, 2013

It's time for me to share my photo challenge photos from this week.
This week's Scavenger Hunt Sunday prompts were again taken from the Photo A Day Challenge prompts, making it easier for me to keep up with both.

Day 2: Where I Stood, Day 3: Silver, Day 4: Tiny, Day 5: In the Cupboard, Day 6: Shadow

Day 2: Where I Stood
In the snow while the girls hung out there bird seed cakes.

Day 3: Silver
A lovely silver pail on top of the book shelf where we go to playgroup/Bible Study.

Day 4: Tiny
One of my older children gave me this tiny bear years ago. I just love this little thing.

Day 5: In My Cupboard
These really shouldn't be in my cupboard because once I start eating them I can't stop. I just can't keep myself from buying one pack a month though.

Day 6: Shadow
Just the shadow of our porch railing. At least there was some sun.

While this week's prompts were from the Photo-a-Day challenge, we skipped Days 1 and 7 so I wanted to make sure to share those too.

Day 1: Red
This is in the nursery at church. I love the way they painted the bathroom door to look like a barn door.

Day 7: 6 o'clock
At 6 o'clock last night I was having dessert while little Harold was still refusing to eat his dinner and Tabitha was watching out the window for her ride to come to take her to Venture Club.

And here are the ones that I got for last week.

Starts with S
We were outside playing as the snow was falling so I was able to find lots of untouched snow to play in. By morning it was all covered.

Our dishwasher stopped working suddenly so we are doing dishes by hand. The girls helped the other night and I captured this shot of the Sudsy Soap.

This is the wall outside our Tops Market. Thought there was some nice texture there.

A Blessing
We are learning about how it is a more blessed to give than to receive with our Why I Give Activity Book. One of the projects was to make some Bird Seed Cakes. We hung them outside for the birds and gave some to a couple of friends as well.

I Went... church and as usual ended up in the nursery for quite a while. Harold doesn't want to sit still in church, but he will come in here and sit on my lap or at the table.


  1. I love the tiny bear and the porch shadows. I noticed there is a big shadow in front of the porch, too. Harold is a cutie! The nursery time would be great for telling him Bible stories on his age level. I used to them straight from the Bible to my youngest. I would explain them to her as I went. She loved it and so did I.

  2. Great set of photos. Loved your "shadow" shot as well as "starts with s"--great color. Stay warm!!

  3. Beautiful series! It certainly looks cold with all that snow. Love the shot for silver.

  4. Sorry to be late commenting. Super busy week.
    Enjoyed your hunt photos. Especially liked the Tiny Bear and your Where You stood shot. Ours melted yesterday, hooray!


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