Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Words of Wisdom Wednesday

Do you love to hear the insightful utterances that pop out of the mouths of your children?  I sure do!!  Children seem to have such a unique way of looking at the world.  Add the fact that the way they interpret something will have to be based on their limited experience and we have the makings of some memorable moments.  Because these moments are gone in a flash it is imperative that I write things down so I can remember them in the future.  

So I thought it would be fun to share the utterances that are heard around our house.  When I worked at the Montessori, the teacher could be seen walking over to the desk, many, many times, to write things in a journal-sized notebook.  At the end of the year, the parents were treated to a compilation of the insightful, cute and/or silly things that the children had said.  I remember this every time I head for a piece of paper and a pen, or yell at one of the bigger household members to "quick, write this down" before I forget what was said.  Then I had the idea that it would be fun to, not only share these with you, but to ask you to link up and share the "Little words of wisdom" that your children have spoken. (Just for the record, that was what this meme was supposed to be called, but I forgot to write it in the title and I didn't want to deal with remaking the button right away, so Words of Wisdom Wednesday it became)

I hope you will want to share with us.  If you do, just write your post of what your child(ren) have said and link up below.  Don't forget to grab the button for Words of Wisdom Wednesday over on the left.

Here are some of the cute things I overheard Tabitha say this past week.

July 7th, 2010 At the breakfast table: 
Tabitha: Tabifa, Tabifa
Mom: How do you say your name?
Tabitha: Tabitha, T-H not a F

July 10th, 2010
Tabitha, out of the blue: I'm going to be a really great artist, that's why I'm putting my shoes on."

July 11th, 2010
Tabitha: Parents can drive, not people, just parents.



  1. hehe loved reading these!!

  2. Glad to see you figuredc it out! I'm sure i"ll be joining randomly as I remember the weird things they say.

  3. hi! following you from the bloghop -- would love for you to follow back at great blog :)


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