Saturday, April 23, 2011

School Time Week 30: The start of the B lessons plus

Does this ever happen to anyone else? I had a whole week of great ideas planned.  My mind was running with some great things to do with the letter B.  Plus we had a Resurrection Sunday lapbook to put together.  Saturday has come and we hardly got anything done.  The only pieces of the lapbook that are together are the ones the girls colored last week.  The only B project they completed is their B collage.  Though we did get to use the bean activity I created.

The thing is, after going through the pictures, it looks like we did do quite a bit.  Just not everything I thought was important.

I don't usually start of my weekly school time post with our Sunday activities, but this week, being Palm Sunday we have something to share.  The girls colored palm fronds that I printed out.  They had to trace the word Hosanna and then cut the frond out and then cut on the fringe lines.

I hadn't realized how much Amelia is improving in her writing/tracing skills!

She had no help from me.

 Though she does still need help with cutting.

After getting our palm branches ready we reviewed the Resurrection Eggs we had already read about.

And then, for one of our songs (we always sing 3 at Bible time) we sang Hosanna, Loud Hosanna while waving the palm branches.

Wow, the girls have grown up so much from last year:

Tabitha Palm Sunday 2010

Hannah wasn't quite ready to be born yet.  Though mommy was wishing she was.

Amelia examining the cup out of our Resurrection Eggs 2010.

This week Tabitha was able to use the Paint by Number program that we won from Rockabye Butterfly.  I like that she has to find the right number to put the color in.  She loves using paint programs, but this is the first one that you have to follow the "directions."

We also had our B muffin tin.  Which I completely forgot to link up last week.  Guess I will link it up this coming Monday.

The girls had
Bologna rollups
B cheese
Bread and butter

Simple, yet they enjoyed it.

Monday was also our first Passover celebration.  The girls helped chop apples for the charoset.

Tuesday was play group of course.

I loved the huge tunnel they created with the other children.

I know this photo is a bit blurry, but I loved her smile.

On Wednesday we had the most productive day.

The girls colored their B pictures.  This week's words are:
bell, bike, bat, broccoli, bear and banana
Had to get a picture of my tulips.  I got them to place on the table to make it nice for the Passover Seder and forgot all about them 'til the next morning.

Then Tabitha cut out her verse and pictures for the lapbook.

While I gave Amelia some cutting practice.

Gluing the collages together.

Tabitha wanted to draw her own letters and cut them out.  She then cut fringes like grass and is calling them her "valentines."

And Amelia wanted to try out the new game
The Great Bean Hunt.

I filled the box with navy beans and then hid 12 kidney beans under them.

The girls need to make sure each compartment has a been and they can count to 12.

Tabitha was a little busy with her "valentines" and decided to wait to try out the Bean Hunt Game.  When she did use it later she tried putting the correct number of beans in each compartment, one in the 1, two in the 2, etc.  She couldn't figure out why she ran out of beans and couldn't find any more.  Oops.  Guess that is what they were supposed to be doing in their sensory tub.

I had created this activity on the spur of the moment for Hannah a couple of weeks ago.  I had a red stress ball and a ping pong ball she was using to drop in the holes.  I watched her carefully with the ping pong ball, never anticipating that she would bite chunks off of the stress ball.  So I replaced the stress ball with this red cloth ball we have.

I was going to share this for the 

Unfortunately I am a day late.  However, you have got to click here to see all the great ideas that were shared.

Wednesday was also Steven's birthday.  I have a 19 year old son!! I feel a tad bit old now.

Tabitha helped make the lemon butter cream frosting for the cake.  Steven found a great recipe at the Wilton Site
We zested the lemon:

And then juiced it:

I ran out of time to do any decorating, so Steven wrote his own message:

It reads, "Happy Birthday 2 Me"

Unfortunately I found out Wednesday evening that Hannah had a doctor's appointment on Thursday for her 1 year old check up.  I had completely forgotten about it, thank goodness they call to remind people.  Unfortunately we had no time for lessons because I had to take Steven in to work so I could have the van and then I had to go back and get him.  Day shot!

And Friday was Story Time.  We had to go.  It was the last one for this year.  After the opening songs and the two stories the librarian had the children gather in the center of the room and cover their eyes so she could hide eggs.

Then they each got to find one.  Unfortunately those photos were way to blurry.
Each egg was filled with the snack they got to eat.

Then they made bunny ear hats.

 Introducing Tabitha Cottontail

And Amelia Cottontail

Then we went to the other room and had a parade.  

And after Story Time we ate lunch and headed over to our church for the annual Cross Walk.  It was inside because of the weather.  But we still read the Good Friday story of Jesus trial and crucifixion. After each reading we sang a related song.  Then we shared Communion.  It was a touching service.

Please check out the Hopping Along to Easter Blog Hop.  
The linky will be open through April 30th for you to link up your crafts, recipes and/or Easter morning traditions.
We just ask that you compose a post and come back to link up.
Tots and Me
I am linking to:

Tot School

Share It Friday

Also linking to:


  1. I really enjoyed seeing the photos of your first passover! and as always love seeing the pics of what you and your kiddos get up to! So much creativity, learning and love!
    Many blessings,
    Lusi x

  2. I love the tissue paper activity.


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