Monday, April 11, 2011

Giveaway Opportunity at love2learn2day: Math For Smarty Pants Book

I just discovered a new blog and a great giveaway.  I have occasionally been linking up to Joyful Learner's Math Links.  She has just recently passed the torch on to love2learn2day.  If you have math activities you would like to share you can link up over there on Mondays

For this first week of the link up she is offering a giveaway.  The book is called Math for Smarty Pants and it is written by Marilyn Burns.  I hear she has some pretty good books. I had never heard of her, but I am going to be looking into her books now.  Anyway, if you would like an opportunity to win this book, head on over to love2learn2day. Gotta enter by midnight on the 17th.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you found the blog hop! Looking forward to seeing you every Math Monday...and more! ;)

    Off to check out your blog. :)



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