Saturday, April 16, 2011

School Time Week 29 (Some I lessons and Getting Ready for Resurrection Sunday)

This week we started off by having an I is for Italy Muffin Tin.  I am part Italian so I figured this was something I could share with the girls.  We looked up the Italian flag on Google and then I used the colors to arrange our muffin tin.

We did a couple of art projects based on the art lessons over at Dani's blog, Pineapple Paintbrush.  This was the last week for her preschool art lessons, but if you are interested she is still offering her pdf's for a small fee.  This PDF has the lessons from the last 4 weeks and bonus materials.  You can see the projects on her blog, but the instructions were only available for 48 hours.

This week we were learning about texture.  We read The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.  Then we made texture paintings with objects from around the house.

Even Hannah got involved:

And big brother Steven:

On another evening we were unable to do the art lesson she shared because we didn't have the materials needed.  So we did another texture painting, but I had the girls decide on an Easter related shape to paint.
Amelia chose a cross:

Tabitha chose an egg:

I love the texture Amelia was able to achieve:

Another day we created tissue paper decorated crosses:

Tabitha started out with teeny rolled up tissue paper balls:

Tabitha's ended up with bigger pieces of tissue paper than she started with.  Even mommy decided to make one.

Lesson time varies each day.  Sometimes we have lesson before lunch and actually sit down and start with prayer, the pledges and calendar.  Other days meal times bring about spur of the moment lessons.  We also have lesson time after dinner.  This week we had art lessons two evenings and decided to work on letters/sounds one other evening.

I pulled out the sandpaper letters.  I have to admit I don't follow all the proper Montessori guidelines, but the girls know their letters and sounds.  Right now I am working on proper formation.  If you look carefully, Amelia is sounding out the f as she traces it.  Very important.

I also pulled out the salt box.

Tabitha wanted to make them into a "puzzle."  

Then I asked her to form letters.  I figured I would start with 3 letter C-V-C words.

She wanted the "silent e."

She also wanted to sound out "mischief."  We never did get it made.

I also pulled out our Build A Letters.

They also had some fun free play all week.  Tabitha was having fun with the blocks.

She was trying to make the tower as tall as her.

The girls made "Fruity Cheerio Flowers in Vases" at Story Time.

Then we made something that my older daughter has wanted to make since we did the letter I last year.  We never had time to make them and I have heard about it for quite a while.  She has actually been at her dad's and I convinced her to come here so she could make them this weekend.

We got to make Sugar Cube Igloos.  Krystal had made them before and we followed her instructions.  We used our homemade buttercream frosting (the one we used last week for Hannah's birthday cake).  Here is the recipe.  It is great.  It hardens just right to help keep the igloo sturdy.
Butter Cream Frosting:
1 cup butter, softened
8 cups confectioners sugar
2 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup milk.

In a mixing bowl cream butter.  Beat in the sugar and vanilla.  Add milk until frosting reaches desired consistency.
This made more than enough for 2 igloos. We planned on using it for cupcakes for a bake sale tomorrow too.

Spreading frosting on wax paper covered cardboard:

Laying the bottom layer:

Building it up:

This was not so easy.  And then I realized I had the entry way going in instead of out.  Not sure what I was thinking.

We got so high and it started to fall in, so I decided we should have Bible time and go to bed.  I told the girls I was going to finish the igloo.  They didn't really care, as they had been doing less and less anyhow.  The girls found it tricky to line them up.  But they had fun.

Oh, yes, we had furniture:

Finished igloos.  Krystal's is the one in the back.

Tiny Tot Time:

I found Hannah trying to put these heart sticks into the cheese shaker.  She has never, to my knowledge, seen this used.

Yes she can get them in.  

Some time with brother

Helping herself to her favorite snack from the Lazy Susan:

Playing with the guitar at play group.

Trying to put her own pajamas on:

Told you she liked this activity:

Piano time with daddy.

Please check out the Hopping Along to Easter Blog Hop.  
This Blog Hop Series will continue through Easter Sunday!
There will be a new topic each week.  This week's topic is crafts!
We just ask that you compose a post in response to the topic question and come back to link up.
Tots and Me
I am linking to:

Tot School

Shibley Smiles

Share It Friday

The Attached Mama’s Ultimate Alphabet Craft Collection

Also linking to:


  1. Oh my oh my oh my! So many activities again! I love all the textured crafts - feeling, exploring, seeing how you can paint with it! The little flowers are wonderful! And your igloo!! Well that is quite something :-)

    Thanks again for the faithful linking to Kids Get Crafty!


  2. Great activities! I'd never seen the fruity cheerio flowers before! I definitely want to do that igloo this winter! Did you make your sandpaper and build a letters? Was there any certain template you used?

  3. What a super fun week!

  4. I am following you back on all three and I will check my facebook and find out why it is not working. My blog designer said she had fixed it but maybe something is off. Thanks for letting me know. Thanks so much for the follows.


  5. Love the texture painting idea, so cool!!! And I love that you got Hannah involved in it. So jealous you have sandpaper letters, such a great Montessori material! The sugar cube igloos turned out great. Looks like a great week!

  6. It looks like you have a lot of fun with your learning, as it should be. Thank you for sharing your activities. It is always nice to see what others are doing in their homeschool. Thank you again for linking up at NOBH.


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