Sunday, April 24, 2011

Monday Blog Hops: April 25, 2011

Time for some fun blog hopping. I sure missed blog hopping last week, but there was way too much going on to warrant the extra time spent on the computer.  Here are the Monday Blog Hops I have found. Won't you join us and make some new friends.
If you have a chance, I invite you to check out this week's Menu Plan and our Muffin Tin Monday.
I also host Words of Wisdom Wednesday and Breakfast for Dinner Thursday. You can continue to link up your Easter posts to Hopping Along to Easter Blog Hop which I co-host with Purple Froggie Clay Stuff and Classified: Mom until April 30th.  We also co-host Tuesday's Giveaway Link Up.  Come back Tuesday to link up your giveaways and see who are new co-host is. (All of these buttons are on my sidebar if you would like to check them out). On Tuesday I link up to Tiny Talk Tuesday. And the weekend will bring our school time wrap up.
Looking forward to visiting some new blogs.

Monday Blog Hop

The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom

Making Friends Monday!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful Resurrection Celebration! Great shots of the kids!!
    Coming from Spearmint Baby! New follower.


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