Monday, April 25, 2011

Resurrection Sunday Celebration 2011

Last year I never got around to posting about our Resurrection Sunday.  Might have had something to do with being very pregnant and expecting the baby any day.  So this year I wanted to make sure to post about our special day, celebrating our Lord's resurrection.

Last night, when we got home from my step daughter's wedding, we stayed up to color our eggs.
We just use boiling water, vinegar and food coloring.

I wrote "hard boiled" all over the container the night before because I didn't want anyone waking up Saturday morning and using these for their breakfast.

Originally Hannah had clothes on.  Before we could react she had knocked over the blue dye all over herself. Fortunately daddy kept his head and took the clothes straight to the bathroom to rinse them out.

Amelia insisted on stirring.

Here are their baskets.  Steven got some bubble gum, jelly beans and a bag of carrots.  He's allergic to chocolate and it is very hard to find anything around the holidays that he could eat.  He loves baby carrots so I figured instead of a rabbit, he would get rabbit food.  So, what would you say would be the age that someone is too old to get a basket?  Hey, I remember getting one when I turned 19.

Waking up to see their baskets.

Happy 1st Resurrection Sunday Hannah!!!

She wasn't too interested in hunting for eggs around the living room.  It was much easier to snitch the ones that had already been found.

Got her to start looking.  It was hard to get the other two to let her find them.

Tabitha found one of the missing eggs.  Daddy had placed it on the vacuum.  See the light gray extension?  He stuck it in there.

I had discovered the one missing egg.  Hannah's big lamb had ended up on top of it, so they hadn't found it.  We tried coaxing Hannah to go get it.  She made a beeline to the door way and kept going.  She was after her water bottle.

Then she went back for the egg.

I was hoping to get a shot of the egg going straight in the mouth.  I have pictures of both Steven and Floyd doing the same thing for their first Resurrection Sunday.

Hannah decided to get into this egg prematurely.

After dinner Hannah got to try her bunny.

Then we made the Resurrection Rolls.  You can find the recipe all over, so I don't think I will share it here.  I got it over at

Rolling out the crescent roll dough.

Measuring out the sugar.

Measuring out the cinnamon.

Dipping the marshmallows in melted margarine.

Then in the cinnamon sugar.

Rolling them up in the dough.  You have to make sure to pinch it tightly closed.

But it still oozes out a little anyway.

The tomb/roll is empty.  Where did the marshmallow go?  Tabitha said Jesus wasn't there, the tomb was empty because Jesus was alive.  Amelia said we had to go look for the missing marshmallow in the stove.

Hope everyone had a blessed Resurrection Sunday.

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  1. Looks like you all had a wonderful celebration.
    Happy Easter!

  2. Your girls are adorable. I raised five girls and an now Mamaw to fourteen grandchildren. I am very blessed. Happy Easter and God Bless You and Yours.
    I am following you on the Meet Me on Monday blog hop. Please follow me.

  3. What a wonderful Easter day celebrating the resurrection of Jesus! Sammy doesn't like chocolate so I too have a hard time with baskets for him. He does however like marshmallows so I found some big marshmallows on a stick like a lolly pop and those were a big hit!

  4. The hunt was such a great idea. The rolls look great too.

    Watch for the Patriotic Parade in July!

  5. That looks so fun! My baby figured out to throw all of his eggs onto the ground to get them opened so that's what he spent most of his time doing. He wasn't really interesting in looking for most of them, just throwing the ones we had. We also made resurrection rolls but maybe they weren't ready for it... they didn't really "get" it. But they still tasted yummy!

  6. I love the Resurrection Rolls. What a wonderful idea. Your little ones are adorable. Thank you so much for sharing and linking up at NOBH. Have a blessed day. =)

  7. Great pictures and your girls look so happy to be celebrating such a holy and special day! We dyed eggs and made resurrection rolls too! Fun and yummy! Thank you for linking up to NOBH!


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