Monday, April 11, 2011

Menu Plan Monday: Week of April 11, 2011


This past week wasn't too bad.  Unfortunately the Sweet Potato Fries burned, not sure why.  We didn't get to take Krystal out yet because she was not feeling well.  So I made a casserole I found that had noodles, meat and sauce and a cheesy mixture.  Unfortunately I can't find the recipe right now.  We tried a new pancake recipe that I found the link for over at I'm An Organizing Junkie (where I link up my menu plan). She was planning to make Peanut Butter Pancakes (a recipe over at Recipe Shoebox) and it just sounded too good to pass up, so I included them in our pancake buffet.  They were yummy!! I also used another recipe I found at I'm An Organizing Junkie.  We had grandparents over for Hannah's birthday and I decided to make the Potato Topped Mini Meatloaves instead of my normal meatloaf as I was planning.  They were delicious though a little too garlicky for the girls. Poor Hannah had grabbed a fistful of Amelia's and shoved it in her mouth before I could react.  She wasn't a happy camper.

Here is this week's menu:
Monday: Had to go out for an appointment so we are going to have Subs.
Tuesday: Spicy Meatballs (BLC) with salad and bread and butter
Wednesday: "Dave's Teriyaki Tofu" (BLC)
Thursday: Breakfast For Dinner Thursday (Egg Burritos and Home Fries (my mom gave us a bunch of potatoes)
Friday: Shepherd's Pie.
Saturday: Lasagna 
Sunday: Leftovers

Don't forget to join my on Thursdays for Breakfast For Dinner Thursdays
Tots and Me

1 comment:

  1. Hi There,

    I have a linky on my blog Ask Ms Recipe
    for any food related posts available on Tuesdays for any food related posts. Be sure to add you link so I can visit you back.



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