Monday, April 4, 2011

Menu Plan Monday: Week of April 4, 2011


Last week went pretty well, we didn't have the ingredients for the Mexican Rollups on Saturday so we moved the hot dogs to Friday with homemade macaroni and cheese.  Which left us a better selection for leftovers Sunday.  Yummy taco salad with taco meat and leftover beans from the pileups.

Here is this week's menu:
Monday:Turkey burgers and Parmesan-Pepper Sweet Potato Fries (BLC)
Tuesday: Taking daughter out for dinner for making Student of the Month
Wednesday: Crockpot chicken with gravy and rice
Thursday: Breakfast For Dinner Thursday (pancake buffet with sausage links)
Friday: "Heather's Mexican Rollup" (BLC).
Saturday: Hannah's birthday party, possibly meatloaf, noodles and spinach
Sunday: Leftovers

Don't forget to join my on Thursdays for Breakfast For Dinner Thursdays
Tots and Me

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