Monday, April 11, 2011

Tiny Talk Tuesday: April12

Time for some tiny talk heard around our house this week.  I got smart in a couple of instances.  I recorded them straight into a draft of the post.

Out of the blue, not sure what we were talking about, Amelia said, "I didn't get the yuckys I just got the throw ups."

One day after breakfast Amelia said, "I finished my breakfast.  I waited and waited and waited."
I said, "I've got to write that."
Amelia said, "Then write it."

The other day while I was in the kitchen, Tabitha wanted a couple of letter magnets that were on the top section of the fridge.
She said, "I need my P and V please. I'm spelling a word to see if it is a word."

And this morning we were getting ready to go to WIC.
Tabitha or Amelia asked, "Am I going to get a poke at WIC?" (The last time we were there they both had to have their iron levels checked.)
I replied, "No, nobody is going to get poked." After thinking it over for a second, I added, "Unless it's Hannah." I remembered she was the one with the appointment and probably would need a poke.
Tabitha said, "Then she's gonna scream and twitch."              


  1. I love writing down what little kids say. I think my kids wonder why I always turn away, hustling to find a free scrap of paper! ;)

  2. Your girls are precious! I always forget to write down things my daughter says which I regret all the time because it's so funny, cute and adorable! :-)

  3. such great little gems... you never know what they are going to say!


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