Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tiny Talk Tuesday: March 22, 2011

It's been a few weeks since I posted a Tiny Talk Tuesday post.  It's not that the girls didn't say anything worthwhile.  I just can't seem to keep track of the papers.  I know I've said this before.  Anyhow, trying to do better with my organization.

We were taking a walk the other day, I believe it was Friday when we had the really warm day.  Tabitha pointed out a plane flying over head (which is usually what Amelia does) and she said, "There's a plane, I see the paper trail."  She was thinking vapor trail.

That same day, after we got back from our walk, we had the windows open while we were eating lunch.  Tabitha was sitting by daddy and suddenly she told daddy he smelled.  Yeah, that was nice of her.  Anyhow, we realized she was smelling a scent coming in from outside, so I told her she needed to apologize to daddy.  She said, "Daddy, I'm sorry you smell."

Wish I could find more.  If I do, I will edit this or wait til next week. But I have got to get to bed.


  1. so cute! love the way kids see the world.

  2. We love to spot those "paper trails" as well, my daughter calls them tracks. :) Came over to your blog from Tiny Talk Tuesday - have a great day!

  3. love the paper trails! The apology sounds like something that could be heard here! :-)

  4. That is too funny. I love it when they are young and innocent and everything is black and white.

  5. I love that cute little apology. And it's great to see our little ones observing their world.

    By the way, I found a great way to jot down these tidbits and easily go back to them later; a website at www.mymommemories.com Hope it might work for you too.

  6. LOL...that is so cute!

    I lose mine all of the time too...but hey, at least we get a few recorded...imagine what we would have lost in a few years!


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