Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mommy and Me Monday March 1, 2011

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?
Hosted by Krystyn at Really, Are You Serious?

And I actually had some Mommy and Me Monday pictures that I also forgot to post yesterday.  And we had such fun too.  We were playing with "Quacky" the duck that Tabitha had since she was a few months old. Quacky kept getting the girls and the little dolls they had.  Then they tried feeding Quacky the dolls undies and Quacky kept spitting it out and quacking at them.


  1. That is too cute and sweet. Thanks for the post. I love seeing children's faces smiling and happy when a great mommy takes time out with them!

  2. Your girls are just so precious:)
    I am visiting and following via Tag Back Tuesday.
    Blessings back at you..

  3. So funny..I love how much they are laughing and loving Quacky.


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