Saturday, March 19, 2011

School Time Week 25: The part about St. Patrick's Day

Here I give to you part 2 of our week.  I start with a recap of the first St. Patrick Day/Rainbow Colors Muffin Tins from last week, plus the muffin tins from this week that rounded out our series.

mini pepperoni
grape tomatoes
red berries (strawberries and raspberries)
strawberry and raspberry gummies
strawberry yogurt
pb and j with strawberry jam

canned carrots
sweet potato fries
orange sections
peach yogurt
cheese puffs
shredded cheddar cheese
breaded fish 

pineapple chunks
lemon yogurt
banana pudding
scrambled eggs
peanut butter and banana sandwiches

celery, cucumber and broccoli
mashed avocado
green eggs
green (lime) popcorn
lime yogurt
spearmint spice drops

Blueberry muffins
Cool Whip for dunking
blue Jello
blueberry gummies
(If you noticed, so far everything in this tin is snack/dessert food)
Fish on a bed of lettuce "seaweed"

 We had a blue ocean to go with our meal.  In it there are goldfish surrounded by sharks.  I noticed one day that the banana tips I had cut off resembled shark fins.  I decided to use this for fishing.  Using pretzel sticks and cream cheese "bait."

And we had blue milk.  The girls were not impressed by this at all.

Mommy had to have a turn fishing. Of course Tabitha had to take a picture or two.  It was fun fishing and feeding Hannah at the same time.

Amelia had:
Toast with butter and grape jelly
Pear Chunks in berry juice
Grape Jello
Purple Cauliflower (I dyed it with blueberry juice)
Grape Juice

She really wasn't feeling well.

Tabitha's Tin:
Peanut butter and Grape Jelly
Purple Cauliflower
Grape Juice
Pear Chunks
Grape Jello
Cherry Vanilla Yogurt

Cauliflower, mini marshmallows, shredded mozzarella cheese
Pot o' Gold:
Mini Reese's cups
Red Strawberries
Orange carrots, mandarin oranges and cantaloupe
Yellow scrambled eggs and pineapple chunks
Green broccoli and grapes
Blue berries
Purple Cool Whip dyed with the blueberry juice

Daddy explaining the muffin tin to Amelia:

In addition to the daily muffin tins we made a rainbow.  I taped four sheets of printer paper together and drew a rainbow on it.  The girls ripped paper into little pieces and we glued them on, one color at a time.

And we made shamrocks.  I found this idea over at A Mommy's Adventures.  Last week Michelle had posted the instructions for these in her stART post.

We read a book about St. Patrick called Patrick: Patron Saint of Ireland by Tomie dePaola. 
Patrick: Patron Saint of Ireland
 I found it very interesting to read the historical story of St. Patrick.  I was raised Catholic, though I am no longer a Catholic, and it was interesting to see how St. Patrick shared the Word of God.  This book actually started out with his childhood, being sold into slavery and his call from God.  I also liked that the end of the book shared legends, parts of the story that may or may not be true.  In this section is the short story about how St. Patrick used the  shamrock to explain the Trinity, God being Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 

And of course we needed to add a pot of gold to our rainbow.

I am linking to:

Tot School

Shibley Smiles

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?
Hosted by Krystyn at Really, Are You Serious?

Muffin Tin Monday at


  1. Ooooh and all those rainbows! Am impressed with all the different muffin trays. Brilliant! And your rainbow craft is adorable!


  2. I love your fishing. St.Patrick became a fisher of men. How perfect!

    Thank you for you continued linking to Read.Explore.Learn.

  3. Just stopping in from Weekly-Wrap-up. The rainbow crafts are cute.

  4. I LOVE the egg carton shamrocks; how cute!

  5. My daughter would love this!

    I am following you (suelee1998) from the blog hop, you have a great site. Would you please follow me back?
    thank you :)

  6. What great ideas for St Patricks day!!

  7. I love those shamrocks very cute. It looks like you did a lot of activities for St Patrick's Day. Thanks again for joining WMCIR!

  8. Great ideas! I'll have to borrow some of them as we go through our color tins. :)


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