Thursday, March 31, 2011

Giveaway Opportunity at Beloved: Sowers of Hope Etsy Shop GC

I have been following Amy's blog Beloved for a while. This past couple of weeks she had been focusing on headcovering.  If you have ever wondered why some Christian women wear a covering on their heads I would suggest you head on over to her blog and read her posts on headcovering.  Not only does she have an awesome story, she shares some great links.  Her posting has made me rethink and recommit to wearing a headcovering in obedience to my Lord (you can read my story over at my other blog, Turn My Life Around).
Okay, I mentioned there was a giveaway.  If you head on over to Beloved you have the opportunity to enter her giveaway for a $20 GC for Sowers of Hope.  They have some really neat headcoverings to choose from.

Personally I like the Bethany Veils.

Foliage and Flowers  Chiffon Bethany Veil Headcovering Prayer Cover

There are many different styles and materials to choose from.  Head on over to Amy's blog by April 1st for your chance to enter her giveaway.

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