Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss Part 1

Well, we've been spending the first part of this week reading different Dr. Seuss books.  Today, in celebration of his birthday I wanted to have a Dr. Seuss themed muffin tin.  I was going to include green eggs and ham, but then I found this cute idea over at Muffin Tin Mom that she posted last year.  It fit perfectly, because I picked the book One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish

 out of the library because we are doing the letter F this week.  I couldn't do it exactly the way Michelle did her's because I had to use what was available.

I promised the girls they could help with this muffin tin. I usually don't let them help on Monday's because I like it to be a surprise.
First they sorted the Finding Nemo gummies I found at the store.  I opened up several packages so they could find all the blue fish.

Then they helped make the tuna fish by adding the mayonnaise.  I cut the sandwich, cheese and beets into fish shapes.  Then the girls shared out the grapes.

One Fish (fish shaped tuna sandwich with avocado eyes and fins)

Two fish (fish shaped cheese)

Red fish (yes, those are beets)

Blue fish (they had more than 1, but I wanted a good picture of Dory)

Old fish and new fish (These are baby goldfish and the gummy is Nemo.  The other orange gummies must have been his dad, so he is the old fish)

Then the star banana puffs represent the fish with the star on the belly.
I am using the grapes like Michelle did, as fish eggs.

I will be linking this up to Muffin Tin Monday.

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

Stay tuned for Part 2 as I will be posting about our craft.


  1. Cute! Looks like the girls had a great time. I'd like to give my girl a surprise sometimes with her Muffin Tin Monday meal, too, but we have tears here if she's not allowed to help!

  2. What a clever idea! I love all the little fishies!

  3. What a wonderful meal to celebrate Seuss!

  4. I had thought about doing a One Fish, Two Fish meal, but never got past "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish... Hmm... broccoli?"

  5. great fish meal!! i tired that last week and you came up with some great ideas i didnt think of!


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