Tuesday, March 8, 2011

March Read-Along: If You Give a Mouse a Cookie/If You Give a Moose a Muffin

This post is a repost from way back at the beginning of the school year.  We had been working on the letter Mm.  When I discovered the Read Along that Polly is hosting this month over at Helping Little Hands I knew I wanted to participate.  I love the books by Laura Numeroff and knew I wanted to link up If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.  When I came back to this post I realized this was actually a post on If You Give a Moose a Muffin.  Both books started with the letter Mm and we had read If You Give a Moose a Muffin when I got the idea to do these activities.  However, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie plays a major part in this post.

We read the book, If You Give a Moose a Muffin  by Laura Numeroff.

If You Give a Moose a Muffin

It was a book we read last year for the letter/sound M and I was debating reading it again, then I saw it was the recommended book from Readinglessons.com.  This moose keeps the little boy just as busy as the mouse keeps the boy in If You Give a Mouse a Cookie

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie (If You Give...)

 and the pig keeps the girl in If You Give a Pig a Pancake.  Have a mentioned I love these books? 

Earlier in the week we made muffins

Then today I had another spur of the moment project/activity idea.
Why not make sock puppets like the moose did in the book.
So I cut out the needed parts and found my pair of holey socks.

We glued a piece of cardboard inside the sock so that when we
glued on the other parts the glue wouldn't go through.

The girls glued their ear parts together:

For the rest of the parts we used white glue.
We glued on the ears and eyes.

Then the nose and whiskers:

Just as an FYI, the white glue wasn't holding the whiskers on, so
Steven hot glued them on later.

Then we made the props for our puppet show/play. 
The reason we made a mouse instead of the moose is because I didn't have any
brown socks.  The moose in the book also made a mouse.
So we made the mice in anticipation of doing a puppet show of
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie

Here we are making the props.

(brown paper circle with black hole punch dot chocolate chips)


(Foil wrapped cardboard.  We glued it on, shinier side out)

(an index card and crayon to represent the paper and crayon
the mouse asks for to draw a picture)

Here are the props all ready to go, attached to straws.

(cookie, milk, napkin, mirror, broom, book (made from small piece of cardboard folded over with a piece of paper folded inside.  The two page book reads, "If you give a mouse...a cookie"), and the piece of paper with a crayon taped on.)

Our love seat turned stage:

Getting ready to put on the play:

Sorry these are so dark, not sure why.  The girls had such a good time putting on the plays for their daddy and then again for big brother and sister.

I hope you enjoyed this post.  Head on over to Helping Little Hands to check out what everyone else has been posting this month.

I also wanted to share that it was really cool that Tabitha pulled out the basket with the puppet show props just last week because she wanted to do it.  And Hannah took the napkin, unfortunately tearing it off the straw, and was wiping her mouth with it.  Sorry I have no pictures.


  1. What a fun activity! We have a puppet theater that doesn't get nearly enough use. This would be such a fun activity. Thanks for participating.

  2. What a great craft & activity!! Here from HHH.

  3. Looks like everyone had a blast!

    Thank you for linking up with the Explore Play and Learn blog hop. Sorry it has taken me all week to comment back. The creepy crud decided to take up residence in my head. Now that I am feeling human again I am following and commenting. We are hopping again tomorrow and all weekend long if you want to link up again! Have a great weekend!


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