Sunday, March 6, 2011

Menu Plan Monday: Week of March 7, 2011


This week's menu plan went almost as well as last week's.  Not sure if I will ever serve everything that is planned.  How many other's who plan actually stay perfectly with their menu?  I wonder.

We had our muffin tin meal (of course, I posted last week's menu after we ate Monday).  Tuesday I had a sick girl, so I just made something simple.  We moved the chicken tacos to Wednesday and decided to wait on the split pea soup.  I had planned a different Breakfast for Dinner Thursday Meal than what we ended up eating.  I went for apple cinnamon pancakes (1/2 with nuts) again because I needed something simple that night.  Other than that, I kept pretty well to the menu.

Here is this week's menu:
Monday: We have an appointment in the morning so I will be picking up ham and cheese subs.
Tuesday: Crock pot roast with Parmesan-Roasted Cauliflower (recipe from Biggest Loser Cookbook)
Wednesday: Pick your leftover tacos (chicken or beef)
Thursday: Breakfast For Dinner Thursday
Friday: Baked fish with brown rice and Melinda's Holiday Spinach (recipe from Biggest Loser Cookbook)
Saturday: Pizza and salad
Sunday: Leftovers

Don't forget to join my on Thursdays for Breakfast For Dinner Thursdays
Tots and Me

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