Saturday, March 5, 2011

School Time Week 23 (Ff, Dr Seuss)

We started this week off, as always, with Muffin tin Monday. We started F this week, so we had an F muffin tin.

The girls also worked on their Ff collages.  Our words this week are: 
flag, flower, frog, fan, fairy and fox.

We didn't get that much done this week. Tuesday was of course play group. On Wednesday we celebrated Dr. Seuss's birthday by having another muffin tin based on one of his books, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish Blue Fish.

Of course, this book is not all about fish, it is about all the funny things that go by.  So the girls made their own "funny things."

Tabitha wanted to take some pictures of her own.

Tabitha's "funny creature" has wings and can fly.  It is sort of a fairy (she is obsessed with playing Abby Cadabby games on Sesame Street website) and it is a cuppy creature named Fluffy.

Amelia's is an angel.  That is all I got from her.

It worked well that I took out the above book for this week.  Originally it was because we were doing the letter F.  Then I remembered it was Dr. Seuss's birthday.  I also had a lower case/upper case fishing game planned.  The fish in the pond all have lower case letters written on them.  I had found a fish outline picture on Google that had the open space I needed to write my letters on.  Then I printed out some on blue paper and some on white paper.  The white fish have upper case letters on them. They have jumped out of the pond and the girls needed to flip them over and put them back on the right space.

I tried making a fishing pole with yarn and a safety pin, while the fish have magnet strip on them.  The magnet wasn't strong enough to pick them up.  The girls had fun anyway.

That is about all we got done this week.  Amelia wasn't feeling well and I had surgery on Thursday.  Hoping to have a more productive week next week.  All the kids have had the stomach bug, of course now they have colds, but we should feel more up to learning.  Which would be good, because I have plans.

One thing we did do was read lots of Dr. Seuss books.  We still have the Horton books from last week. So I took Horton Hatches The Egg to play group to read.  We also took The Lorax, which is one we read a lot at the Montessori where I worked.  Another one we read is Oh, The Places You'll Go!

Tabitha is no longer taking naps while the other girls nap.  Instead, she rests a bit on the love seat, spends time on or or she reads to me.  We finished (finally) the first book in the Progressive Phonics series with the short a sound.  Now she is reading The Cat in the Hat to me!  We read a little at a time and mommy helps with some harder words, like "anything" or "something." Other than that, she is reading it by herself.  

I have decided that we are going to try to read at least one new book every day this month as it is Reading Month.  Besides the Dr Seuss books we have also read Now It Is Winter by Eileen Spinelli. The impatient little mouse in this story keeps asking his mom when spring is going to come so they can enjoy all the different things that spring brings.  His mother keeps telling his spring will come,while drawing his attention to the good things about winter that are all around him.  I thought it was a sweet way to focus on the blessings that we have.

I am participating in the March Read Along over at Helping Little Hands

There are many different bloggers out there who were assigned one day of the month to showcase activities they did in response to a book.  I will be sharing on March 9th.  Head on over to Helping Little Hands to check out all the great activities that are being shared.

Tiny Tot Time

Tabitha wrote the big V. I helped Hannah write the little one to the left.

I am linking to

Tot School

Shibley Smiles


  1. Your funny creature is perfect for a Dr Seuss day!! Surely that is what Dr Seuss is all about!!!

    Thanks for linking up!

  2. Great Week! I love the funny things they made.

  3. I love the little creatures your girls created. Books can do so much to spark their imaginations. The fish in the pond idea is so creative and looks fun.

  4. stopping by from Find Friends Friday
    Thank you for joining

  5. I hope your surgery was not a serious one! Thanks for joining WMCIR with Dr Seuss books. We have a lot of favorites among his works.


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