Sunday, May 27, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday: May 27, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday items: Beneath Your Feet, Capturing Movement, Texture, Face Your Fears and Currently

Beneath Your Feet

If I walk up the steps in the front of our house I will find broken concrete and weeds under my feet. We don't use this door and this is one of the reasons. 

Capturing Movement
I am not sure if I really like this picture of our fan.

But I know I love the shots of my little guy and all his excited movement when we play and conversate.

I took this shot while we were outside getting ready for our first picnic/cook out of the year. Our tree is surrounded by this big rocks and inside the rocks are some plants and this piece of wood. (This was all here when we moved in)

Face Your Fears

I am facing my fears of bees/wasps to weed around our front porch. We have seen yellow jackets flying around the corner of the porch and going underneath. Here's hoping there is no nest, but I think there is. 

We need it weeded because we are currently focused on gardens in our lesson time and we want to plant some sunflowers. 

And linking up my favorite photo 
(He loves to sit in the corner of the couch and socialize with me (and sissies). I love his expression here.


Happily Mother After

Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli


  1. I'm particularly liking your texture shot. Great photos. Little guy is so cute.

  2. Awww such sweet photos. I hate wasps...I would NOT be near them, even IF I neede to plant!!

  3. Great shots this week! :)

  4. Little brother is a doll - I can only imagine the chatter he generates!

    Thank you for sharing at Your Sunday Best this week. xoxo

  5. I really like your texture shot!

    Would love if you could come and participate in Observing Beauty, a weekly photo challenge, this weeks challenge is "Water".

  6. Once again, your children look like they had fun with the hunt - and your little man is growing so quickly.

  7. What a darling expression in that last photo!!


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