Sunday, May 6, 2012

Free Sign Ups for Baby Shower Celebration-The Miracle Blanket

Tots and Me

Join with me in my Baby Shower Celebration. The next giveaway is going to be for a really neat, innovative swaddle blanket called, The Miracle Blanket

You can sign up for free, no fees at all. All I ask is that you help get the word out about my giveaway to help celebrate our baby boy.  I ask that you post the giveaway with Rafflecopter on your blog when it goes live on May 10th. In addition, I ask that you post on Facebook and/or Twitter 10 times during the event. If you agree to do this you can sign up and receive 1 Free link on my Rafflecopter form. You may choose Facebook or Twitter.
In addition, if you share about these Free Sign Ups on your blog or Facebook page I will give you a second link (again, Facebook or Twitter).  However, this is completely optional.
Sign ups are open until May 8th at 8pm.
You can check out the form for the complete details. For more information about this specific giveaway's product you may check out my Sponsor Spotlight post for Miracle Blanket.

Click here to sign up to participate in my Baby Shower Celebration Miracle Blanket event

edit: just a note that there has been a slight change in the requirements. I am no longer requiring you to post 10 times on Facebook or Twitter during the event. I do ask that you post about it on Facebook, Twitter and/or Google+ the day it goes live to get the word out. Then, share to your heart's content. However, the more it is shared the more potential entries. 

1 comment:

  1. Karen, sounds great. I was going to sign up but I think advertising 10 times on my FB is a bit too much. I do not even post my giveaways that many times on my FB for one giveaway.


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